"I can't. I just can't." I repeated. "I know what you told me, try to beat them at their own game but he keeps doing all that and they just, and I'm not-" I gave up on finishing that sentence and sighed.

Suddenly, Sarah seemed to sober up and stared at me, thoughtful.

"I know what you need." she said and called the bartender. "You're thinking way too much. You need something to relax a little. After that, everything will be fine!"

"Come on, Sarah." I replied. "I can't. I'm short on cash!"

"It's okay. Mike pays it all for tonight." she said and kissed him on the cheek.

However, I was still hesitating. I then looked back at the twins who were still dancing, flirting with other girls and seemed to have completely forgotten about us, and replied to my best friend:

"Fine, you're right. I'll have what she had!" I told the barmaid over the loud beat.

"There you go. That's the spirit, girl!" Sarah claimed and raised her own glass when mine arrived. "Cheers!"

My drink was very sweet and burned my insides like fire when it came down my throat. I wasn't used to drinking a lot. But after the second, the third, the fourth cup, it felt much, much better. After a while, Sarah and I went to the bathrooms to rearrange our make-up.

"I'm completely numb!" I declared, feeling my hands tingle and my head spin lightly.

"You what?" Sarah asked, as drunk as I was.

"Never mind!" I replied and giggled. "I feel like I'm on fire right now!"

"Great! So? Ready to get back into the lion's den?"

"You bet!" I said and took my head out to look at the dance-floor. "Watch out, boys. Here I come!"

"Alright! Oh, wait!" Sarah said and looked at my skirt. "It's torn up on the side."

"It is? Well, look!" I said and ripped it even more so my whole thigh was showing on the side. "That's better!"

Sarah looked at me, wide-eyed.

"You look so hot I could eat you up!"

"Save these words for your boyfriend. Come on, let's go! I can't wait!"

"Er, yeah, you go." Sarah replied, fidgeting. "I really have to go to the bathroom, now."

As she locked herself in, I shrugged.

"Fine, see you later then!" I said and left the lady's room with a wicked smile on my face.

When I went back on the dance-floor, the twins still hadn't moved from their spot and the girls were gone. I walked closer, dancing next to them again and I felt Bill approach me once more. However, this time, I was ready and didn't step back. I let him come closer and closer until our brows even touched. My heart was still racing but not from fear. It only felt good as I felt the alcohol in my blood stimulate my whole system. I looked at Bill right in the eye and smiled before I moved even closer and put my hand around his neck. This seemed to disturb him. Behind him, I could see his brother wasn't smiling anymore either. When I decided to slide my leg between his, Bill in turn stepped back to look at me, surprised. I grinned, a little afraid of my own temerity.

"What's wrong?" I asked and opened my arms, inviting. "Didn't you say I looked hot to you tonight?"

I was so proud of myself I started laughing and didn't wait for his answer before I directly headed back to the bathrooms, partly running away again.

"Sarah!" I called when I arrived in the room, still giggling. "Guess what I just said to you-know-who! You should've seen their faces! They were totally like "what the hell?"! That was so cool! Hey, Sarah! You're still there?"

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