Meet and Greet

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"So where are they? Where are they?" I asked looking in all directions as Paul was parking the car.

"They'll come soon. And remember, no screaming."

"We got it. It's annoying that you still consider us as groupies, you know. We can behave!"

"Oh my God, they're here!"

When two giant cars arrived in the parking lot -one black, one white- Sarah shrieked and I followed, which made Paul grunt in annoyance. As I saw them come out of their car and come slowly towards us, my heart kept pounding like crazy. What was I going to tell them? What should I do? Even when they greeted my brother, I could still barely believe that they were here, so close to us.

"Guys, this is my little sister, Angela, and her friend Sarah. As you can imagine, they absolutely hate your band and I brought them here for punishment."

The four boys chuckled. Unlike a few minutes ago, Sarah acted polite just shook hands with them. However, she still kept a big grin on her face.

"It's great to see you're back! I have all your albums." she replied proudly.

"Well, I guess you can give them back to us, then." Tom exclaimed and everybody laughed.

"Never! They are mine!" Sarah exclaimed and pretended to be a little girl.

I greeted the four of them too but didn't say a word. It was probably awkward but I couldn't help: it felt like my brain had melted and my tongue had fallen off. Not a single word could come out of my mouth. What was wrong with me? I had to shake it off! But in front of them, it's like I was 12 again. I felt small, so small.

However, they weren't little boys anymore. They had definitely changed in five years: style, hair…even their voices were a little deeper now. Georg's famous long hair was now short. Gustav wore glasses instead of lenses and had tattoos on his legs –which was surprising since he was always considered the sweetest teddy-bear-like guy of the band. As for the twins, they were the ones who had changed the most in my opinion. Tom didn't wear his huge caps and large sweaters anymore and his hair was now black instead of blond. His style was closer to Bill's. And as for Bill himself, even though I saw pictures of him before we met I definitely didn't recognize him at all. The androgynous black-haired boy who used to wear black make-up and gothic clothes was now a blond short-haired bearded young man with even more tattoos and piercings than before, no make-up at all and a more pop-electro –I guess- style of clothing. He also looked less pale and more muscular, so his romantic fragile guardian-angel aura was definitely a thing of the past.

They were men now, four grown men. We had all grown up. Unfortunately, it was useless to deny it.

"Aw, and you have a dog, too!" Sarah said and looked at the bulldog puppy that kept jumping around her. "He's so cute! What's his name?"

"That's Pumba." Bill answered, smiling, and took him in his arms so Sarah could pet him.

"He's adorable." she said when the puppy started licking her hand. "Angela, your mother has a dog too, right? Angela?"

"What? I'm sorry, yes." I answered, too dazed to talk properly. "My mother has a dog, too. She used to have a cat and now she has a dog."

"That's nice! What breed is it?" Bill asked me.

His stare paralyzed me instantly.

"It's a, it-it's a, a-"

"-a pinscher, I think." Sarah completed for me. "You know, it's smaller than a bulldog and has pointy ears?"

"I see." Bill replied and nodded. "It must be very cute, then!"

"It is!" Sarah said and smiled at me.

Love me back (Bill Kaulitz fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora