I can be your friend

Start from the beginning

With that Lex stood up and looked back at Lena, " I'll see you in the common room later." Lex left the stands and finally Kara got a good look at Lena. She was without her robes, her button up shirt buttoned all the way to the top, her blue and black Ravenclaw tie neatly in place. Her silky hair was up in a high ponytail leaving much more of her face exposed which Kara could now see better her razor sharp jawline, and the slightest rose color to her cheeks just beneath those emerald green eyes that left Kara drowning in them.

Lena smirked, " Sorry about Lex, I promise you he's not as weird as he seems." She thought about it for a moment. " Actually he is weird but he's a good guy I swear." They both chuckled and Kara shook her head.

"I'll have to take your word for it."

Kara took a seat next to her. " What made you come out to watch?"

Lena turned her gaze to the empty stadium, " Besides Lex's nagging to come and see if the other players were worth his time... how could I not come see the Supergirl everyone was talking about."

Kara cringed at the nickname people had given her. "And what did you think? Do I live up to the WILDLY exaggerated tales?"

Lena blushed slightly and still without looking at Kara said, " You're absolutely incredible actually. I've never seen anyone fly that fast before."

Now it was Kara's turn to blush. She adjusted her goggles on the top of her head, " Thank you. It means a lot."

Lena looked shocked for a moment and Kara thought she had said something wrong. " I'm sorry I, did I ..."

"No! You're fine," Lena said quickly, " it's just... my entire life I've never really had friends to chat with honestly. My mother and father were very strict with us growing up. They said that being a Luthor meant you were above others and that you only kept around people who offered you something in exchange for your time."

"That seems lonely."

"Oh it is believe me... that's why Lex and I are so close. We've only really ever had each other since, well, forever." She shook her head and looked embarrassed. " I'm so sorry I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this."

"No it's okay I don't mind. And I suppose it's easier talking to someone you barley know sometimes because they honestly know nothing about you."

"Yeah I guess you're right," Lena said softly barely above a whisper. Kara turned to face her then and said, "Hey, you don't have to be alone anymore if you want, you know. I'd love to be Lena Luthor's first friend," Kara said and added a little laugh at the end. It made Lena smile and for a moment the wall she had put up broke slightly. Kara thought that was a good sign but then in the blink of an eye she saw the wall go back up as a sad resolve came into Lena's eyes. 

"Um I'm sorry I really should be going," she said and hurriedly grabbed her bag and stood to move. Kara stood up to, " Wait! Lena I didn't mean to," she cut her off briskly.

"No it's quite alright. Goodbye Kara, and nice flying."

And with that Lena rushed out of the stands leaving Kara standing there wondering what she'd done wrong. She felt the wall that Lena constantly kept up around her go down for just the slightest of moments but then it went back up instantly. Kara shook her head. No one deserved to be in constant fear like that. She was going to break down Lena's wall and show her that a world filled with friends and love was worth having. 

Kara left to go to the changing rooms and met up with Alex in the dinning hall. 

"What took you so long?"

Kara took a seat across from her and noticed Lena at the Ravenclaw table looking rather somber as Lex chatted to her and apparently didn't notice Lena's mood or didn't care. Kara sighed internally before returning her attention back to Alex.

"Nothing, I was just talking to someone."

She reached for a plate and Alex piped up immediately in her chair, " Oh! What is this? Does Kara have a secret somebody in her life??"

Kara laughed at her sister's ability to always turn any normal situation into something more " No, it's just someone I'm trying to be friends with, though it seems to be a difficult concept for her."

"Are you talking about Lena Luthor?"

"How did you know it was her?! There are over 200 people in this school!"

Alex replied," Everyone knows the Luthor family."

Kara stared blankly otherwise stating that she indeed did not know. Alex shook her head," Honeslty Kar I swear if it has nothing to do with food or quidditch you never read the daily prophet. The Luthors are a really wealthy family, I'm talking living in a mansion and waking up to ride horses wealthy. The father and mother make these inventions for Aurors to capture really dark wizards. It's serious stuff. Only really dark matters require the assistance of the Luthors. Everyone knows them as being cold-hearted after so many years of being closely involved with dark magic. Supposedly Lena and Lex are just as brilliant as them if not more. They've had the best teachers in the world come to tutor them and they attended beauxbaton for years. Those kids basically grew up on a diamond studded leash...at least that's what everyone says," she paused to look back at the Luthor siblings, " I mean look at them." 

She looked at the pair and sadly had to agree that they seemed out of place among everyone else. Straight taught posture and not a single hair out of place as if they were ready at any moment to be met with the press and would have to represent the Luthor name on the spot. 

Kara shook her head slightly, " Alright so just because their parents are like wealthy billionaires and evil geniuses they're supposed to be outcasts? How is that fair?"

"It's not about being fair Kar. It's just how it is. It's no wonder Lena is finding it difficult you want to create a friendship with her. I'm sure she's been told her whole life that she doesn't need friends. You have to understand the conflict the idea must arise in her. Remember when we first adopted you? You barely talked to me for the first three months. You were put in a new environment with people you didn't know. Despite me wanting nothing but good for you, it takes a while to warm up." She looked back at Lena and after a moment turned back to Kara with a serious expression, "Just give her time if you're really trying to be her friend. But I'd be careful if I were you Kar, people don't really trust Luthors."

Alex directed the conversation away from Lena and Lex, but Kara sat there thinking about what she had said for a long time after. Her sister's input filled in a few blanks about Lena's past and why she was so hesitant to the idea of anyone being friendly towards her. Regardless Kara didn't think it was right that someone had to be judged based off of their parents. Kara wanted to get to know Lena and see for herself if she was a person worth being friends with, or if she was as cold-hearted as the world made her out to be.   

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