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I laid in bed for the entire day, sometimes glancing at the clock or the photographs that are decorated in his room. My eyes stayed on one particular one though, one with Mr.Flufington. Sighing, I reason with my self.

'He was to old anyway'

'He was bound to die soon, but why in such a cruel way?'

'I miss him'

Maybe I just needed someone to talk to? It sure has been a long time since I last spoke to mom. And with a thud, I rolled out of bed, fixed up my appearance, and headed out.


I knocked at his office, "Who is it?" A muffled voice from behind the door spoke. "It's me" I said simply. "...come in"

I opened the door, "Is there anything you need?" He asked, not taking his eyes of his paper work. "Can I talk to- "me?" Giorno interrupted. I blinked a few times before replying snarly "I already am talking to you. Anywho, I was about to say my mom"


His focus went back on the paper work, "And the reason why is?" "I-I just need someone to talk to" I admitted, rubbing my arms slightly. "I'm here" he mumbled, but I heard loud and clear. "Your work is more important than my problem, if I were to compare, it would be like a mere ant to a human"

I shook my head, it was Xavier's fault that his work had increased. Now Giorno had to come out as boss of Passione, try to convince the people that drugs are bad, while also trying to convince them that a 16 year old who hasn't graduated high school is fit for boss. And let's not forget, trying to get a bunch of people on his side to fight this drug problem. But this also made me wonder, how is Giorno gonna make the same amount of money the old boss made without drugs, and how is he going to deal with traitors?

"Fine, you had me there. We'll leave Thursday"

"Wait-? What do you mean we?"

"Of course, I haven't met Ms.L/n in such a long time, so it would be fine if I come along right?" He put both his hands together and gave me a closed eye smile. "you know what? Just do it" I rolled my eyes, I didn't want to argue anymore, it felt like I was slowly loosing sanity.

However, hearing a giggle from this blonde kid made my blood boil.

"Looks like Giorno's having fun, you don't see him acting like that while working" Bucciarati whispered to Mista, "yeah definitely, but it doesn't look like y/n's having fun" Mista replied.


Giorno giggled even more, then it soon turned to tender laughing. "Ugh I hate that sound" Abbacchio commented, making a facial expression of absolute disgust. Narancia came back from school and he entered Giorno's office to a quite



I was there, inches away from Giorno's neck, my eyes twitching in annoyance. "Wait what did I miss? Why does y/n look like she wants to kill Giorno? And why is Giorno laughing about it?"

"You're so cute tesoro~" he teased, booping my nose. "I-I-I-... Sh-shut up i-idiot" damn it... I stuttered. Why is this happening to me? I'm y/n l/n, a Man's lady, charming all men left to right. Why of all people that made me stutter like this, it had to be Giorno Giovanna.

"I'm leaving!"

I stormed out of the room, but not before hearing a tiny 'but who's gonna help me with my homework?' "Ask Bucciarati or Abbacchio! I'm going to sleep" I furrowed my eyebrows while replying.


That was a lie, I didn't want to go to sleep yet. I wasn't able to that is. Sitting down on the dinning table, I tapped on the wood. "Hey" I voice brought me back to reality. "Who's there?" I questioned. "It's me, right below you. No under your chair!" I looked down to my chair to see...

A turtle? With a key on its back?

Flinching slightly, I kept silent, this was so weird. "A-are... are you talking to me?" I quirked an eyebrow, pointing to my self with my thumb. "Yes I'm talking to you. You're Giorno's girlfriend right?" He asked, the turtle had a french accent which you thought was hmmm bizarre. "Girlfriend? Uhhh no hunny no. That's more unreal then a turtle talking to me" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"You've got to be his daughter..."

"What? Mr.turtle guy, I'm sorry but can you repeat that?" I put a hand on my ear, like that would help. "Do you know who your father is, mademoiselle?" The turtle began. Scratching my cheek, I answered "Actually... no. But I do know that he acts like me from what my mother says, apart from that, I know his name- why are you asking this?"

"Mademmoiselle, I think I may know how to find your father" for some odd reason, the turtle had sparkling eyes. "Really now... and why should I trust a talking turtle?"

"Because I was your father's friend! His name is Caesar Zepelli right? My names Jean Pierre Polnareff" the turtle finally told me his name- well at least I think its a he, well from the way it talks, it's safe to think it's a he. "Uh Huh... Y/n l/n..." I awkwardly introduced. "So how exactly are you going to find my father? And why is he friends with a turtle?"

"Well I wasn't always a turtle, I was human like you too! Just a few moths ago, while I was helping Giorno, my body got switched with a turtle and my former body died so I'm stuck here now..." his voice gradually became small. "I'm sorry for hearing that... it must be tough" I frowned, what a poor guy. "Did you help Giorno become a gangster?" I decided I'll finally get some answers today, even if it doesn't directly come from Giorno, from a turtle is fine too I guess. "Well... I helped him defeat the old boss. And now I'm his second in command" he explained. "What? Really? I always thought it was Mista" chuckling a little bit, I saw Polnareff smiling. "No, he said that 2 + 2 = 4 so he's better off
in third command"

I grinned, that sounds exactly like Mista. "Back to the topic, how are we going to find my father? Well considering your state, and mine. I don't think we could go out"

"Its easy, but you have to do exactly as I tell you. Giorno doesn't listen to me even though I'm his consigliere. But I'm sure he'll listen to you. All you gotta do, is to convince him that partnering up with the speedwagon foundation will help him achieve a lot"

"Wait how is that going to help me find my father?"

"Your father works there, I'm almost 100% sure you'll meet him"

"Okay Mr.Polnareff. I'll do it"

With heart full of content to find my father, I realize something, it's time to move on.Mr.Flufington is gone, however he'll always be in my heart. I'll need to visit his grave often, I sure hope Giorno allows me to.

<————- to be continued

Yan Giorno x dumb but smart ass readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu