Chapter 5

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''God? What the hell did I do in my past life for you to be punishing me like this?'

As I stand there looking at Coles father, utterly humiliated—might I add, he's just staring back at me confused. "Your wife?" He repeats, averting his gaze to his son. "I don't understand."

I open my mouth to speak but Cole pipes in, "We're married, what's not to understand." I look up at him, and he pulls me closer against him, and I have the sudden urge to punch the kid in his throat.

"I should give you both some privacy," I say and turn to leave the room.

"Stay right there, young lady!" He shouts, and I jump startled at his sudden outburst. I nod and hang my head in silence, shrinking back beside Cole. "Tristan, I hired this girl a few days ago to be your assistant. What do you mean you're married?" He questions, his green eyes, identical to Coles darting between us waiting for an answer. "What? Did it just slip your mind that you're married to the CEO of the company?" He asks me, and I gape at him my mouth opening and closing probably resembling a fish out of water.

"I, uh, we—" I stammer pathetically looking up at Cole who stares back at me.

"I told her not to say anything." He answers to me. "She didn't want anyone to think she got the job because she was married to me. She wanted to earn it herself." I stare at the floor. I can feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I'm going to kill him, revive him and kill him again!

"Is that true?" I lift my gaze and after a glance at Cole, his eyes pleading with mine, I sigh and nod.

"Y-yes, sir," I answer nervously. I feel Cole's fingers lace with mine, and I dig my nails into his skin, and he flinches squeezing my hand tighter in return.

"We're not done discussing this. I have a meeting I must attend right now. You're both coming to dinner this evening. You've got some serious explaining to do!" He glares at us both before he storms out of the office.

I let out a breath I hadn't even noticed I was holding. I rip my hand out of Cole's hold and look up at him. "What the hell did you just do?"

Cole shrugs sheepishly, "I'm so sorry, I panicked when he asked what we were doing here. I just blurted it out." I turn to face him while I watch his father walk away, and when see's the rage in my eyes, he takes a step back as I walk toward him.

"You panicked?" I utter through clenched teeth as I advance toward him. I lift my arms and hit him anywhere I can reach.

"Ouch, hey, stop hitting me!" Cole says, grabbing my arms. "I'm sorry, okay. He was about to find out we were getting a divorce; if I hadn't distracted him, he would have found out anyway." I glower at him and shake my head in disbelief.

"Oh bull, you saw an opportunity, and you jumped at it. I can't believe you. I told you I didn't want any part of your stupid ploy to trick your family, but you completely disregarded my wishes and did what you wanted anyway." I argue, and we glare at each other heatedly, so much so that I didn't even notice he was still holding my arms with me pressed against his chest. My senses come rushing back to me, and I shove him away from me, grab my bag and storm out.

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