Chapter 1

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"Miss Hart?"

I blink and lift my gaze to the elder man sitting in front of me, staring at me, patiently waiting for me to answer his question. I study his appearance, grey hair, but not completely white. He has streaks of a darker shade running through the strands. His eyes were warm, reminded me of honey. For an older gentleman, he was handsome. He's sporting a stubble of a greying beard. He was a silver fox in every sense of the word. I shift in my seat and cross my legs, sitting upright, hoping this will give him the impression that I am confident and accomplished. 

"I believe my greatest quality is that I'm headstrong. While some may think of this as a flaw-- for me, it means I never give up. However difficult the task at hand may be. Once I put my mind to something, I won't stop until I achieve it." I say confidently, looking him directly in the eyes. He nods slowly, holding my gaze for a beat before he leans forward and his full lips quirk ever so slightly. 

"I like that answer. All I have heard all day is that they are confident, ambitious, and trustworthy." He says and leans back in his chair, dropping his pen on his desk. "I like you, Miss Hart. Are you able to start Monday?" 

I resist the urge to squeal and press my lips together and smile politely. You can freak out when you leave Shay. Keep it together! "Yes, sir." 

"Excellent. Come in on Monday morning at nine o'clock sharp and Heather will show you around and get you on the system." He says, rising from his chair and holding out his hand. I stand and take his offered hand, squeezing it gently. 

"Thank you so much. I appreciate this opportunity, Mr Hoult." I tell him picking up my handbag he escorts me to the glass door to his office. 

"Welcome to the team, Miss Hart." I smile up at him politely, thank him and leave his office. Once outside, I heave a sigh of relief. I got the job. I will be working for the most prestigious architectural firms in the world. Granted as an executive assistant to the CEO, but still. I will work my arse off, learn everything I can from him, and finish my degree. One day, I can show them I have the talent and skill to be an architect at one of their firms.

After a crappy couple of months, things are finally starting to look up for me. Having to drop out of university, unable to afford the tuition fees and provide for my brother and mother has been challenging. I had to put my career on the back burner and take care of my family. We lost my father just after my sixteenth birthday to a traffic accident-- eleven years ago now-- and I have been the sole provider for them since. I have an older brother, Sam, but he's unable to hold down a job for longer than a couple of months due to his ADHD and anger management. He does try, but he's unable to concentrate for long which often results in poor performance. My mother hasn't left the house since my father died. He was the love of her life, and when we lost him, we lost a massive part of my mother too. She's terrified to leave the house and hasn't been able to face the world without him.

I have a good feeling. My life was finally about to get a little easier.

I rush up the stairs to the apartment that I share with my two best friends Jo Sinclair and Aimee O'Connor. They're my lifeline, and I'm so happy I have them in my life. The moment I slide the key into the lock, the door is practically ripped open, and they both stand there, hair in messy buns on top of their heads, both in oversized sweatshirts staring at me expectantly with wide eyes.

"Well?" They say in unison.

"What?" I question, looking between them. I know they've been dying to find out how my interview went if the fifteen voicemails and fifty texts I got earlier was any indication. 

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