personal coming out experience

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I came out to my mom like last year or the year before. I can't really remember. And I thought I came out to my dad too, but he forgot till I told him the other day again. And I came out to my brothers sort of. I know my older brother knows and my younger brother doesn't care what I am.

I don't plan on telling my aunts or uncles or grandma. I don't feel I need to, and they just wouldn't understand it. There's no point in telling people who won't understand and would just berate me.

I think the biggest reason I was able to tell my parents was because my older brother came out as bisexual. So I didn't feel as uncomfortable telling my parents.

You don't have to come out though if it makes you uncomfortable. You can wait till your moved out and tell them. They can't kick you out or make you feel uncomfortable if you're already out of the house.

Personally my mom and dad weren't exactly hateful. Just confused and a little upset about me being asexual.

I still don't think they understand it. But they kind of tried to understand it which is better than most outcomes.

My mom thinks I'm never going to have a relationship or children. (I've been in one as I said in chapter one). I personally don't want to birth a child but maybe adoption or surrogate. She still thinks I will find someone that I will want to have sex with.

Which if I do then I will still be asexual. There is demisexuality which is forming an emotional bond with a person before you become sexually attracted to that person. But its still under the umbrella of asexuality.

I'm not sure if she gets it, but I tried to make her understand. And i think she tried to listen.

My dad thought called it a choice, and I'm like no. I don't have sexual attraction. I've never seen someone and wanted to have sex with them. There's no sexual attraction.

I told my dad how do you know you don't like having sex with a kangaroo if you haven't tried it when he said I don't know if I don't like it since I haven't tried it. He replied with I might like it. Lmao. He was joking by the way.

I think he might understand. But at least I think he's accepted it.

I get uncomfortable when they talk about how I'll find someone one day that I will want to have sex with. Like for now I don't think I will. Like I haven't experienced it so far. So if I do, it'll be rare.

But ny family don't talk about relationships all the time anyway. Like my brother is usually dating, so there's no pressure on me having a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Though they joke that I'll live alone the rest of my life. But that doesn't bother me because I will gladly live the rest of my life alone. But I know I'll find friends at least. I know I won't be 100% alone.

I haven't told anyone but my older brother that I might like girls. My parents hint that they think I like girls, but I know they'll be upset since my brother is bisexual. And they won't have children, and my younger brother hasn't said what he is.

I won't admit to them about it unless I get a girlfriend or I move out. Lol. I'm ok with telling them I'm asexual, but telling them I might like girls is uncomfortable.

It doesn't help that I have internal homophobia. I think that's what it's called. Like I'm scared to have a girlfriend because I'm scared to know if I'll like it. But I kinda want to know. But I'm scared and won't do it.

Plus I got the whole oh you're a lesbian cus your hair is short from my aunts and uncles. It's just annoying when people assume your sexuality. Like not all girls with short hair are lesbian and not all lesbians have short hair.

But anyway that's my coming out experience. But you don't have to come out if you don't want to. You have your whole life to wait for the perfect moment to let them know.


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