my stories and other stories

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Heyyy again.

Talking about smut in this chapter for educational purposes on asexuality and the difference between sexual desire and attraction.

I'm asexual and i write smut. It sounds weird but i do.

My ex best friend introduced me to yaoi. I liked it and she introduced me to writing smut as well. It just kinda stuck.

Like I went from yaoi fanfics to my own gay stories with my own characters. Like I wrote before that, but it turned to smutty gay writing after I found yaoi.

Like I don't know why i do, but I do and lots of other girls on here write smutty gay stories. I just happen to be asexual.

I read boy x boy stories like a lot I feel like despite being asexual. But asexual doesn't always mean that you completely dislike all sexual things.

You can be sex positive as in you don't have sexual attraction but still want to have sex. Or you can be sex nuetral as in you have no sexual attraction and you're nuetral on having sex. Like it doesn't bother you if you have sex or not. Or you can have no sexual attraction and find sex disgusting and not want to do it.

I consider myself technically sex repulsed, but it depends. I can read and write and listen to smutty things whether it be gay, straight, etc.

I've only watched yaoi but not other anime porn. I've never watched real people porn and don't plan to. I don't enjoy it when they show it on t.v. and get grossed out.

Kissing scenes don't bother me that much. Like i know they could show worse if they wanted to. Lol.

Like I said in the other chapter, fictional characters don't bother me. In fact, my sexual desire or sexual appetite whatever you want to call it, is low for me. Basically I don't get horny that often.

(I did a lot of research into asexuals and reading porn. And it seems to be a hot debate about it. I personally think reading and writing smut while identifying as asexual is perfectly fine. Like the main thing is I don't have sexual attraction. It has nothing to do with sex drive.)

My sex drive happens to be low, but not all asexuals have a low sex drive. They may not have sexual attraction as in looking at a person and want to bang, but they can still want sex because of their sex drive aka the idea of having sex, not the person that they're doing it with necessarily but they might have romantic attraction.

But personally my sex drive is low. For some reason I just enjoy reading smut or writing it, and I had to think about this for a long ass time to really figure out why I read and write it.

The best explanation I can think of is I find it interesting. Like I don't experience it myself, so it's fascinating to read about a person sexually attracted to another person.

I think that's really why I read and write it. It's just fun to put myself in someone else's shoes and it's the same for writing the smut. I find it interesting to me.

I find psychology fascinating and write about it, but I don't have anything psychologically wrong with me. It's the same thing with the smut.


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