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  The next day Liam and Simon didn't come to school. It made sense, the younger was really drunk and probably had a massive headache. It'd make sense for Liam to stay behind but Simon, it made the boys wonder why he stayed. They were debating whether or not if it's because Simon is just taking care of him cause he cared or Liam had hurt himself while he was drunk. Either way, they still had to get their assigned partners for their upcoming project in science. A whole human system with a very descriptive one page essay about each system. Kyle walked in with Drake and Eden. Jaxson was sitting on the chair, glaring at his phone. Drake tapped his shoulder, "Jax, you okay?" The light browned hair boy looked up at him and shook his head. "What happened?"

Jaxson only shoved his phone in Drakes hand.  "That's... rough buddy," Drake said and patted Jaxsons shoudler. Eden was confused,"What happened?"

"Break up."

Eden winced,"Well her loss."

Jaxson merely shrugged before taking his phone back. The school bell rang and filled the empty halls. The three boys sat down, Kyle looked to Jaxson to talk to him but his eyes caught a specific anti-social boy. To Kyle this was like a drug addiction, one looked he couldn't get enough, one kiss he wanted more, one touch he wanted to do it again and again. Jaxson snapped his finger in front of Kyle's face to get his attention, "Hello, earth to Kyle?" The small world Kyle in bursted and he looked at Jaxson. "What,"Kyle asked with a bit of a grumble.

"You were spacing off to Mars."


"What were you looking at?"

Jaxson turned around to see who not what Kyle was looking at.

"Mmh, he looks very innocent."

He turned back to Kyle. The younger rolled his eyes and nodded,"He is, he didn't even know the term 'Spiked'."

"Well it gives you something to dirty up."

"I'm not gay Jaxson," Kyle frowned. "You know that."

Eden sighed and shook his head,"Kyle seriously, you've been looking at him since the party."

"How would you know, you were too busy kissing your boyfriends face off?"

"Breathers my friend. Breathers."

Drake thought of something to prove Kyle himself that he had a crush on the boy. "Maybe I should ask him on a date and we can get along with each other," Drake said. Kyle glared daggers at him and pounded his fist lightly on the desk.

"You better fucking not,"Kyle growled. Drake chuckled.

"I was kidding. But it seems you have yourself a crush Kyle."

"Drake what did I tell Jaxson? I'm not gay."

"Stop denying it. It's fine if you are," Eden said. "I'm gay, my boyfriends gay, Jaxson is a bit gay, almost all of us are gay so it's fine."

Kyle sighed and mumbled, "I'm not gay."

The boys gave up as the teacher got a peice of paper. "Morning class I'll be telling you your partners, don't throw a fit if you get someone you don't wanna work with,"The teacher said. She started going down the line, Drake with Jaxson, Eden with Peter, Simon and Liam, Dylan and Luka, but the last one was Kyle and Caleb. The younger had paled a bit while Kyle wasn't sure if working with someone his friends thought he had a crush on was a good idea. But he couldn't complain, his teacher said so. Eden had texted Liam and Simon that they were science partners but there was only and okay from the older. No response from the youngest player.

"Odd," Eden mumbled as they were walking down the hall. "Liam usually gives us a thumbs up or one of those emojis."

Kyle peeked over Edens shoulder and saw the small k from Simon. "Just a small k. What the fuck is going on with those two," Kyle grumbled.  Drake shrugged. "We should go check on them."

"Unless they're fucking," Eden said. Drake and Kyle stared at him confused. "What?"

"Why the hell would they be fucking?"

Eden shrugged. "What else could they be doing, Mario Kart?"

The brown haired boy had a point, it didn't seem like them to play a video game, to skip a full day, or let out a small response. Was the drinking that bad they had to stay home? As the hours passed they all got in the same car. "Get your leg off me Eden," Kyle frowned and pushed Edens leg off his lap.

"But there is so much room in the backseat,"Eden said and put his leg back on.

"Guys, my car my rules. If you don't respect them you two are walking to Simon's house,"Drake said as he looked back at them from the drivers seat.

"Why are we in the backseat?"

"Eden I told you we were waiting for Jaxson."

"Ooh yeah."

Jaxson climbed in the passenger seat after a few minutes. He was still frowning after his break up. "They better have a good reason for skipping or else I'm gonna get very pissed,"Jaxson groaned and slumped in the seat. Eden muttered,"Not like you're already pissed."

Jaxson turned around in the seat and threw one of his books at Eden. "Ow, Jaxson!"

"I have fucking ears Eden."

"Can you two shut up!?"

"Fuck you Kyle!"

"Fuck you too Jaxson!"

"I will turn this car around,"Drake said, breaking their argument. "Do you wanna walk a few hours?"

The boys stopped as Drake drove the car. After a few minutes they parked outside Simon's house and got out. Jaxson knocked on the door but there was no answer. The door opened a bit and Simon there.

"Hey guys,"Simon said.

"Oh my god,"Eden mumbled. "Are those hickies?"


"Where's Laim,"Drake asked.

"On the couch asleep."

"Dude.... what the fuck,"Kyle grumbled.

Simon sighed,"It just happened. Anyways why are you guys here?"

"We came to check on you two."

"We're fine thanks. Mind telling me the assignment?"

"We'll just erm send you it,"Drake said. "This is quite awkward."


"We'll see you tomorrow hopefully,"Eden said. "Bye."

"See ya."

Simon closed the door as the other went to the car.

"Next time... we should ask what they were doin."

"No shit," Jaxson said bluntly.

A bit messy and shitty sorry :p

Word count: 1068

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