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An hour earlier when Simon carried Liam out of the school:

   "Simoooooon,"Liam whinned. "I wanna go back please." His hand was reaching back to the school cafiteria, Simon groaned in annoyance and patted his back.

"Stop acting like a baby,"Simon said. He walked over to the parking lot and set Liam against the car, one hand held his hip so he wouldn't fall as he opened the car door. "Come on kid."  He gently helped Liam into the backseat who was mumbling some random nonsense. He closed the door before going to the driver seat and went to his house. Liams house was farther so he wanted the ride short just in case if he got sick and vomited before they got there. After a twenty-one minute drive, Simon parked in the driveway and got out. He opened the back door and lifted Liam again before carrying him to the house. The air was cold so Liam buried his arms under Simon's jacket as he felt sleepy.

The older shivered, Liams hands were cold and pressed agaisnt his back. He opened unlocked the door and opened it before walking inside. Locking and closing the door he tried making Liam let go of him. Simon frowned,"Liam let go." A small no came from the younger as he wrapped his arms around him more. One of Simons arms was holding Liam to support him so that he didn't fall right on the floor. But everything else was Liam, holding onto him. Simon huffed as he went upstairs, he went to the bathroom and started up a cold shower to help make Liam sober, even if it was a tiny bit. The younger let go finally and laughed as he left the bathroom. "Fuck Liam,"Simon growled and went after him. "Get back here."

Liam ran around the house and back to the foom before Simon finally caught up. He grabbed the younger by the arm and turned him around. Simon glared down at Liam,"Don't you dare run again. You're fucking drunk." Liam only chuckled that made Simon more frustrated. He gripped Liams jaw and made Liam look straight up at him. "Listen here Liam, I'm not playing around. You better listen to me or I'm locking your ass in the bathroom. Understand?"

Liam nodded.

"Words. You have a voice, use it."


"Good now go to the bathroom."

Liam nodded again and trudged his feet, one of his shoes had came off on the steps earlier. He walked in the bathroom and started struggling with his dress shirt buttons. Simon came in later and saw Liam pouting trying to open his shirt. He huffed before unbuttoning Liams shirt himself. "How much did you fuckin drink,"Simon grumbled, he yanked Liams shirt off and his jacket too. When he looked up at Liam, his dark brown eyes were a bit red and his lips were formed in a small pout. "Were you really gonna cry over the fact you couldn't unbutton your shirt?"

Liam shook his head. "I'm a big man, I don't cry over things like this."

"Then why are your eyes red?"

"Too much punchie."

"You're talking like a baby now, seriously?"

Liam chuckled and pulled his own pants down but not his boxers. "Bath time,"Liam said with a smile and started the cold water. Simon sighed, there are different kinds of drunks. Liam was the childish drunk and usually needed someone to help him walk and stuff. The shower started and Liam took his socks off before going in. Simon sighed before he was gonna leave, Liam grabbed his arm and pulled him to the shower. "Nooooo stay."



"Ugh, fine. I'll be sitting on the counter."

"No, join join."

Simon looked straight at Liam, not sure if he should but what was this sudden feeling that made his heart beat loud to the point he can hear it... could Liam hear how fast it was going? This sensation, it was unfamiliar. The slight flushed cheeks, the nerve tingling, and it was hard to breathe all of a sudden, Simon never felt this before. Liam was still yanking him to the tub, drunk and not even close to sober. The older sighed before taking his shirt and jeans off, leaving him in his undershirt and boxers. He went in the shower with Liam whos face was red as he chuckled and played with the water that was sprayed from the shower head. Simon's hands reached around Liams small waist, moving by themselves. He didn't understand why he had a need to touch Liams warm skin, why he craved to run his hands over every inch of his body. Liam hugged him and Simon shivered, the youngers warm breath ghosting on his jaw, his nose pressed against his cheek and he can hear every breath he let out. Simon could hear it crystal clear, every waver in it, every steady puff, and he can feel how heavy or light it is. Their chests pressed agaisnt each other while they held the other in their arms. Liams skin wasn't as warm anymore, his head resting on Simon's shoulder since he was now tired after drinking too much.   After a few more minutes underneath the cold water, Simon turned the water off and helped Liam out of the tub and back to the bedroom. The younger reach for Simon to hug him again since he just wanted a hug but the older pushed him back.

"Let's get you changed into something dry so you don't get a cold then off to bed,"Simon said. It seemed all forgein to Liam, how Simon was speaking now. It wasn't gruff, it seemed softer now almost a small mumble. Simon threw a pair of boxers and some sweats to Liam who caught it. He started to change himself and Liam turned around he changed too. He didn't want to stare at Simon, he was gonna be completely naked and he never saw him like that. Only his abs and arm muscle but he didn't want to cross the privacy line. Liam finished changing but he didn't turn back until Simon did it. "You're red again,"The older said. Liam didn't have to place his hands on his cheek to feel how hot they were. "Was it because we were changing together, in my room?"

"Kind of,"Liam answered. He wasn't sure why he was red again or why his cheeks have burned red while his heart was slowly getting faster and faster every second as Simon was standing right there, his toned body and his sharp eyes that were staring right directly at him. The younger didn't even know why he felt so small and tiny even though he was less muscular and he was shorter than him but... he felt powerless. "We.... should get to bed."

Simon nodded before laying down in the blankets. Liam stood there confused since he didn't know if he was supposed to share the bed with Simon or go downstairs to sleep on the couch. He was about to leave the room until Simon grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the bed. "You should stay, just in case,"Simon said. Liam nodded and let Simon pull him gently to the bed. He laid down next to the older, they looked at each other. Dark brown to light brown. It's only been a few minutes till Liam falls asleep, curled in a ball. Simon continued looking at him, his face features were smooth, a little soft but not too soft. He looked down at his lips and something tugged at his mind. He leaned closer, very close but he stopped when he could almost feel Liams lips against his. Something just made him stop, maybe the fact he didn't want these feelings or the fact he was nervous. He kissed a few girls before but Simon didn't want Liam to be like them. Only a few kisses or make out session. He wanted more than just that. Two years. It's been that long since they've known each other. He wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss Liam in his sleep, a secret he can keep from the younger. But then if Liam found out, he didn't want to ruin what they had. He backed away and turned around. An hour later Simon fell asleep, Liam hugging around his back and wrapped around him like a koala.

Maybe it should stay a mutual relationship but Simon wanted to be more than friends.

Word count: 1431

Closted (bxb) Discontinued जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें