The Mask (Levi x Reader)

Start from the beginning

After what felt like an hour of searching, Levi saw a flash of color out of the corner of his eye. A shade of grey-blue that perfectly matched the mask on his face.

He turned, and there she was.

The feathered mask over her eyes was a more feminine version of his own. It glinted under the city lights as she danced and danced, clearly having the time of her life.

Levi glanced around. He didn't see the rest of his squad, so they all must have gone off somewhere. Just as well. At least he wouldn't have an audience if he made a fool out of himself with (f/n).

Relaxing a bit now that he had found her, he stopped for a moment, content to just watch her dance. She looked so happy, and the sight made his heart flutter.

All of a sudden, she tripped over another dancer's foot, and Levi mentally cursed as he rushed to catch her before she fell on the unforgiving pavement.

He grabbed her waist just in time. "Tch. You need to be more careful, brat," he muttered.

Her wide eyes slowly rose to meet his.

Heat flooded Levi's cheeks as he realized the position they were in. Thankfully, he had the mask to hide his blush from (f/n). He quickly set her on her feet and pulled his arm away.

"C-Captain, I..." she stuttered, clearly surprised to see him.

He held up a hand. "No formalities, (f/n)," he insisted. "This really isn't the place for it."

"...I thought you didn't want to come," she finished weakly, though her voice was still louder than normal, trying to be heard over the roar of the music.

Levi gritted his teeth. "I didn't. But, well, you went to all the trouble..." He trailed off as he gestured to the mask she had given him.

"Oh. That," she murmured. "It was nothing. I didn't mean for you to feel obligated –"

"Well, I'm here," he clipped, cutting her off. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel bad about all of this, especially when he had only come here to make her happy. And speaking of...

"So..." he stammered, glancing away as he held out a hand, "...should we...I mean..." Walls, he was pathetic. He couldn't even ask her to dance.

However, it seemed that (f/n) understood, regardless. She took his hand, giving him a smile that stopped his heart. "I would love to!"

The next hour was the best of his life. The proximity of the other revelers gave him an excuse to hold (f/n) close while they danced, which caused butterflies to flutter endlessly around his stomach. He didn't feel quite comfortable with the "rave" style of dancing that the rest of the crowd was adhering to, so he went with something a little more...respectful. Elegant. He hoped that (f/n) liked it. At the very least, she looked like she was having fun.

As the night went on, Levi noticed that the crowd was getting progressively wilder. He tried to ignore it and focus on (f/n). But then someone rammed into her from behind, and she fell forward into his chest. Her mouth opened as if to apologize, but she stopped.

Levi suddenly realized how close their lips were – close enough to share a breath.

His gaze drifted to her stunning, (e/c) eyes. She looked up at him a second later, and the rest of the world seemed to fade away. He could feel his heart start to pound as her eyelids fluttered, as she leaned up to meet him. He tilted his head...and was suddenly knocked to the side as a drunken partier crashed into him.

Levi shoved the filthy man away, glaring as he stumbled off in another direction. Anger and disappointment bloomed in his chest. Not only had his personal space been violated, but it had happened at the worst possible moment. He had been so close to...

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