"Alright, alright," Rhythm recomposed himself while still grinning. "Can we continue?" They all quieted down and focused on him. "We have to take care of this Hybrid camp. But we need a plan. We obviously can't run in there without knowing it's layout or how many Hybrids there are. I'm looking to you guys for ideas."

"We could set it on fire," Blazing offered avidly.

"Blazing, the camp is in a gorge," Echo reminded. "There's a river. They'll be able to put out the fire."

"Oh," Blazing murmured, disappointed.

"We could try to draw them out of the camp and pick them off one by one," Hyper suggested, unsure.

"I don't know. That seems a little... tedious," Rhythm contemplated.

"What if we create a rockfall?" Feather spoke up. "It's in a gorge. We could collapse the walls in on them."

"That's not a bad idea," Rhythm said.

"But how do we even do that?" Spinning wondered.

"We could use our energy to carve out the rocks at the top of the gorge," Echo proposed.

"That could work. But how do we not alert them? They'll hear us," Feather countered.

"Um, we have Unicorns who use sound magic," Hyper pointed out.

"I'm not as good as Rhythm, but I can try to help," Spinning stated.

"I probably will need help. That's a large area to silence," Rhythm replied.

"Shouldn't we make sure there are no prisoners in the camp?" Hyper warned.

"That's a fair point." Rhythm nodded. "We wouldn't want to crush any innocent ponies."

"But if we go through the camp looking, they'll be alerted anyway!" Spinning said.

"We might have to risk it," Rhythm asserted. "If any of them follow us out, we'll just have to deal with them."

"And how do we get into the gorge?" Feather asked.

"I'm sure you and Hyper can easily get into the gorge. But I'll probably send you out to scout the area before any of us set out. We need to understand the area better," Rhythm explained.

"Would you like me to do that now?" Feather questioned.

"Sure. Probably best to start this as early as we can."

"Hey, Feather," Spinning spoke. "Take my camera with you. You can take pictures of the camp from above. Then we can learn the layout better."

"That's a great idea, Spin," Rhythm commented.

"And you'd trust me with it?" Feather raised a brow. "I thought it was expensive."

"Just wear the strap around your neck. It should be fine. And if you do drop it..." Spinning gave a wide stare at Feather and did not speak anymore.

"Alright. If you say so." Feather found his way out of the meeting room.

"Are all six of us going?" Echo asked.

"I'd like a full team, yeah," Rhythm responded.

"We're going today?" Hyper said.

"The sooner the better," Rhythm affirmed. "We have all day."

Later that morning, FeatherTune returned with information on the Hybrid camp and a camera full of photos. Feather had reported of a ramp that Hybrids had made to exit the gorge. The team began preparing to depart. EchoBeat had stuffed his saddlebags with bandages in medicine

Linkin Pony - Recharge: RevampedWhere stories live. Discover now