Chapter 20

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It was a bit after dawn when all of team Xero gathered in the meeting room. They settled down and directed their gazes to their mission head.

"Are we all good? I don't want to rush everybody into this," CharmingRhythm addressed his team.

"I think we're good," BlazingFlair replied.

"How serious is this?" FeatherTune mused.

"It's not really serious, it's just... important," Rhythm directed.

"And that would be... what, exactly?" Feather pressed.

"Well if you'd let me speak," Rhythm shot back.

HyperBlitz raised his hoof up in front of him a bit. "Can I say something before we get to your topic?"

"Yes, Hyper," Rhythm said, all attention on him. He didn't notice the resentful look Feather gave.

"Yesterday I saw some Pegasi flying over the camp," Hyper told him.

"Oh, I saw them too!" Feather commented.

"Were they Hybrids?" Rhythm questioned.

"I... don't think so," Hyper considered. "Hybrids don't fly that high, if they fly at all."

"They looked like normal Pegasi to me," Feather shrugged.

"Where did they come from?" Rhythm pressed.

"I didn't see where they flew in from," Hyper explained, "But I saw them fly north."

"Weird." Rhythm thought for a moment. "Maybe they were looking for someone."

"Or they were spying on us," SpinningNote suggested.

"I wouldn't go that far just yet," Rhythm dismissed. "We don't know who they were, and that's all too it for now. Thank you for reporting it, Hyper."

Hyper nodded and smiled appreciatively.

"Now, let's get to the real meeting," Rhythm began. "We've been here for over two months. I think everyone has done a great job. There's been a ton of progress in the camp, and we've fought off Hybrids well. But I think we need to finally address the Hybrid camp. That's obviously a source of Hybrids around here."

"Wait... Hybrid camp?" Feather cocked his head.

"Uh... yes. The one in the gorge? The one you found?" Rhythm said slowly.

FeatherTune glared at the table, his mind turning.

"You can't tell me you forgot that! You found it! Geez. And you guys think I'm worse than him?" Rhythm exclaimed with outstretched forelegs.

"It's coming back to me!" Feather defended.

"That's a point for Feather then," Spinning remarked

"Huh?" Feather shot at him.

"Oh, I'm keeping score on how many times you and Rhythm forget something," Spinning added. "Actually, that should count two points because you found it."

Hyper busted out in laughter. "Oh gosh, that's good, Spinning!" He was able to get out through his laughs.

Rhythm face-hoofed and tried to suppress his laughter. He then placed his muzzle into crossed forelegs.

"Rhythm's still winning but you have a chance to catch up," Spinning smirked at Feather.

"I remember it now, shut up!" Feather crossed his legs and furrowed his brows.

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