CHAPTER 3: Dear Elliot,

Start from the beginning

You walked up to me and asked as if you had been thinking about it, "what if I had insisted on it being a 'famous fictional' one?"

I smiled at your eagerness and your blunt questioning and said "Well, you forget to be specific again. It could become famous in the future."

You pressed your lips in a line, clearly displeased at the fact that I found a loophole again. "So much effort just to impress a girl? Is that what John Keating is still doing to the boys?"

I don't know what amazed me more, the "dead poet's society" reference or you so bluntly calling out my efforts.

"Elliot would have to be really really good if I were to impress you... " I said instead, trying to not give away how much you were affecting me.

I was the same old me, outwardly calm, inwardly loud and chaotic and intrinsically a catastrophe in social situations.

But you didn't mind all that, and we met again, this time for a date and basically discussed the perils of romanticism and poetry among other things.

Is there no way to go back?

I don't know why I remember every moment spent in your company with such stark clarity, but hardly anything else left a similar mark.

I'm always brimming with things I want to share with you, things only you would appreciate, things only you would know what to do with.

Sometimes I wish I could bridge the gap that had delved out, opened up like a giant crater between us.

You were standing just across the room, a few steps away, but reaching you had become near impossible, so I silently left the book I held, on a shelf and exited the book cafe but my thoughts lingered wanting to stay with you, much like you exited my life but left a shadow that's casting darkness in your wake.





28 Aug 2018

Dear Elliot,

Yes, I'm gonna call you Elliot. ('Random-guy-who's-diary-I-found' is such a mouthful.) Today I thought of numerous ways of returning this diary to you. (Especially after reading that letter) I'm assuming it is precious and you would want it back.

And even though I read the first letter out of curiosity and to find out who you are, the second one I read was purely out of intrigue and opposed to my better judgment. I must say I have no idea who you are, you've done a good job of maintaining that mystery even though it wasn't done for my benefit.

I know I shouldn't read your letters, but I can't stop myself from turning to the next page in the midst of another very monotonous's too late now to reprimand my poor choices and admittedly I am a very curious creature and to be honest, the temptation was too great...

I know it's not a good enough reason, but that's all I've got.

But about that letter.....What bleak grief do you talk about? And why? I don't understand...

What happened? This is a total 180° flip from your other letter and I wasn't ready. What went wrong? Will you fill me in please, I'm missing some major chunks and pieces of the whole picture...

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