"What are you doing here?" Blue hissed, nervously closing the door that led downstairs, afraid her parents might hear them. They both knew Miracle (as a normal boy, of course) but they weren't in such close terms yet that they would approve of him appearing in her bedroom in ungodly hours.

"I promised to come, didn't I?" he whispered back.

"Well, you're late. Party's over," Blue snapped, still annoyed at him. But as he walked close to her and the streaming moonshine caught his face, Blue could already feel her resentment melting away. He had only grown taller by the years and his hair was wild and uncut. His jaw was slightly rough with unshaved stubble but his eyes were still the same – hazel and playful. It made Blue's heart stutter in a way she did not like. Or she did. Too much, in fact.

Blue, herself, might not be much on the taller side but she had grown too. Thinner legs, sharper face, wiser eyes, bigger–uhm–certain areas, she supposed she wasn't too ugly. But when she would see the sort of eyes that would fall on Miracle (who, by the way, had enrolled into school at her insistence), she did, admittedly, grow a tiny bit insecure. Although, when he wouldn't spare the other girls even a glance, she would have to try hard to not burst into a spontaneous dance move.

"Ah, I see you're angry with me," Miracle said, smiling as if highly amused. "Good thing I have a gift then."

Blue started to say, "I don't need a gift, you--"

"Oh, trust me, you want to see this one," he said and without any preamble, grabbed her wrist and dragged her closer to him, slipping his hand on her waist. Butterflies erupted on her belly and Blue didn't even realise that they had teleported out of her room and over the roof of their house.

Curious, she sat down beside Miracle who had already laid out a blanket. A quiet lingered in the air, broken only by the hoots of an owl that heralded the moody breeze to blow over the town lazily. The sky was vast and infinite above them, the stars so far away, yet so close that Blue felt all she needed to do was reach out and she could pluck them from the sky.

"What are we here for?" Blue asked, her voice soft, afraid to disrupt the rare tranquility of watching the world as it slept.

Miracle didn't answer for a few seconds. But, then, he straightened beside her and pointed to the sky, whispering, "For that."

Blue's eyes widened and her mouth parted, a shocked breath escaping her lips, as she stared, frozen and spellbound.

Miracle chuckled, watching her as her shimmering eyes reflected the thousands of meteors streaking past the dark sky, trailed by a tail of fire, falling like angels descending down on earth from the heavens. Anomalous with its bizarre, fiery beauty, it made Blue realise how beautiful the earth could be. How truly astounding.

"Beautiful," she said, incapable of forming anymore words as tears formed in her eyes, her chest puffing, as if her heart couldn't bear this. Miracle nodded in assent but his eyes remained focused on hers. "Beautiful indeed," he murmured.

Blue looked at him, unsure of how to thank him for this gift that she did not deserve, but her words died in her throat when she saw the way he was looking at her. Her heart did a wild cartwheel as she stared back at him.

For a long while, with the world beneath their feet and the meteors showering around them, it felt like they were the only ones truly breathing, truly alive. It left Blue breathless.

Silently, Miracle took her hand and she rested her head on his shoulder and they both watched, their eyes and hearts filled with unspoken emotions that almost rivaled the beauty of the stars. 


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So...this is the end. And I'm at a loss of words. I hope the ending was satisfactory, though. I wrote it and re-wrote it numerous time. In fact, I had three endings planned. 1) Both Blue and Markus died. But then I decided against it because I like happy endings and so much death probably won't be suitable for children's fiction. 2) Miracle took away Blue's memories as well, like the way he did for her parents'. But that would have required a sequel and I'm terrible at those. So, that became a no-no. (MaYbE sOmEdAy---) 3) Well, this was the third one. A meteor shower! Cuz why not? I love meteor showers and have always wanted to see one. Since I'm unable to, I made my characters see it. I don't care if it's a little bit cliche. 

And what do you think? Will these two eventually get together? I'll leave it your interpretation hehe. 


Thank you for hanging around and reading this book till the end. Unless, ya'll skipped over to the epilogue. Don't think I don't know, you sneaky sneakster. 

I don't want to be the one person who calls her book 'a journey.' But, hell, this was a pretty wild ride. Again, thanks for sticking around. I couldn't have done without you guys.

And, of course, let's take a moment to appreciate me. Because, you know, I wrote the story. No, I'm not narcissistic. Okay, maybe just a little bit ;)

So, yeah, bye! 

Oh, wait. For one last time: Don't forget to press the vote button and leave me a comment on your thoughts <3


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