Trial(I'm lazy)

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"alright. This is case #69, U.A. student council suing Izuku Midoriya on account of child abuse and negligence. Mr. Midoriya is counter suing for harassment." Said the officer handing the judge the file.

"Thank you officer Motako. So... Iida Tenya, representating the student council. Pleed your case." Said judge Ryuko Watokuma.

"Your honor. Ever since Izuku Midoriya got these two children legally he's been negligent and verbally abusive. He is rarely around the eldest girl and he has forced the younger daughter into silece. Going as far as to bind her with bamboo." Iida claimed. Gasped were heard.


"Yes your honor. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. I can back uo his claims."

"Mr. Midoriya. Plead your case."

"All things said here are false. In regards to Toph she is usually with he make shift aunt Mei Hatsume. She helps out in the workshop using her quirk to find lost objects. She decided to move in. So she would visit us from time to time since she's 10 minutes away."


"I'm Mei Hatsume. I can confirm what he says is true. If you look at the security camera from September 6, 2255 till now she's been in my workshop helping. Izuku has done many things to make sure his children are taken care of."

"Hmm. Bring the child."

The doors opened to see Toph standing their. She walked out

"Toph. Did they hurt you?" Asked izuku.

"No dad."

"Miss Midoriya. Since you got to U.A. where have you spent most of your time."

" With auntie Mei in the workshop."

"Mr. Iida it seems you were mistaken."

"Ma'am with all due respect how can you believe him. He's a known murderer.",

"Tenya. I killed because I had to save lives. It was necessary. If they run out of room for prisoners what happens? Plus my actions have already been justified."

"Enough. Mr. Iida you claim that he verbally abused Nezuko Midoriya. Mr Midoriya how do you pleed."

"Innocent. Look. When I found Nezuko.... Her family was murdered. I saved her. She had a tradition to bind her mouth with bamboo muzzle since she bore the teeth of her ancestor. I respected her wish. I love Nezuko enough to die. I lotmy daughters. I always will and I always has. Nothing will change that. Come hell or high water."

Izuku's speech moved the camera crew and viewers to tears.

"Bring the girl."

Immediately the brought the girl. She target locked to her father and ran to him. She grabbed his legs sobbing harshly.

"I'm here lil one. I'm here.", He sat patting her head, "I have to do some grownup stuff RightNow. Go to mom." Hr said looking to a blushing LJ.

"Mr. Iida I'm refusing to believe your claims. This case goes to Mr. Midoriya. Case adjourned."

Posted 465

Posted 9/12/2020

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