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It's been a year since the disappearance of Izuku Midoriya. His mother, Inko Midoriya was found dead by police. Izuku is suspected for murder of his own mother.

He has many monikers.




But offical he's known as The Blind Reaper.

"This just in. Former U.A. student Izuku Midoriya is suspected suspected for killing his 35 year old mother. Now he is charged with the kidnapping of a 13 year old blind girl named Toph Beifong. It is unclear why he did it but his intentions with the girl are almost certain. He is a known killer and is famous for the killing of Overhaul, Shigaraki, and various other villains. We hope that she is safe. Her father who is a widower had apparently disowned her but was being sent to a orphanage. So technically she was legalized in the care of the Japanese government. We pray for her safety." The female news reporter announced.

The man watching quickly turned off tht television and walked to his daughter's room. He knocked.

"Hey? Are you okay?" He called. His voice coarse and rough yet filled with sympathy. He heard sobbing and shuffling.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She said.

"Toph I know you're not fine. I'm coming in." The man said. He stepped inside and sat beside her. One blind person to another.

"Hey promised mom he wouldn't give me up. But the minute she died he got rid of me! How could he!?" Toph shouted.

"Look. I know how it feels. To be alone. Hated. Unwanted. But I'm here for you. I saved you. You are my responsibility. Understand my dear?" The man sat hugging her.

" Promise me you'll never leave me. Promise!" she said breaking down into a bawl.

The man was frozen. She called him dad.

"I promise. I won't abandon you. I did save you after all I wouldn't be much of a hero. Though we've only known each other for a week I care for you. So do I have consent for you to be my daughter?" He asked solemly.

"Yes dad."

"Well I, Izuku Midoriya adopt you Toph Beifong as my daughter. You are now Toph Midoriya." He said hugging her tighter.

"I can still remember when I found you."


As Toph walked the streets she felt the cold night air blow against fair skin. Not many people roamed the streets at this hour. It was about 6 in the morning

She had been disowned by her father and was supposed to be expected at the orphanage. Her 'father' had called ahead of time but didn't bother to give her a ride.

He blindness didn't help. Though her quirk 'EarthBending' surely did. She could bend anything that had once been magma was at her will or if the atoms are really dense in some cases such as obsidian and concrete she can easily bed those aswell as metal. A plus is that she had seismic sensing. She can sense the vibrations.

She was sensing one right now. A man from behind quickly grabbed her by the neck and held her in a neck lock.

"Listen up shorty. One peep out of you and your body won't be found." He threatened. Toph could have easily gotten away but she felt lifeless. She had no purpose to even struggle.

"Good girl. Now let's see what's under these clothes, shall we?" He said ripping her top of leaving her in a white undershirt.

"Hey. You might wanna stop doing that." A cold hoarse voice called. Toph felt the vibrations. The voice was behind her and her attacker. He was tall with wild hair and a cloth around his eyes. Due to her blindness she didn't know the hair color. He had a scythe strapped to his back.

"I'll give you 5 seconds to release her!", He announced.

"Beat it kid." The attacker threatened.


"Your times running out." He said unclipping his Scythe.


"I said leave kid. Leave or I stab her to death." He said taking out a pocket knife.

Izuku was at his limit. He froze the man in time and walked up to the two. Toph fell to the ground and watched threw the earth as her savior beheaded the attacker.

"Are you okay?" The hero said stretching out his hand.

"Thank you." She said taking his hand.

"Why are you out here alone?" He asked getting dust out of her hair.

"My father disowned me after mom died because I'm blind. I was walking to the orphanage since he signed the paperwork to get rid of me." She said sadly.

"You're blind too huh?"

Here eyes widened in understanding.

"Y-your blind too? How did you do all that?" She asked.

He went on to explain his quirks and she told him of hers as well.

"What's your name lil un."

"Toph Beifong."

"So Toph eh. Sounds like tough. Are you tough lil un"

"Damn right I am. Though I Don't think I wanna be a hero. Too much drama."

"Well I'm a Vigilante. You have two options. Come with me. Or I can drop you off at the orphanage. I'd legally adopt you but the Gmen have me as a suspect for my mother's murder." He offered and explained.

"I. I wanna go with you... what's you name?"

"Izuku Midoriya. A.k.a The Blind Reaper." He announced.

"Well what are we waiting for."

"Hn. I live not too far. Right up that street infact. That undershirt if yours won't draw suspicion this early in the morning. Let's go quickly before people start flooding." He said


End Of Flashback

Several Weeks Later

"This just in. The Blind Reaper has done it again. Izuku Midoriya more commonly known as The Blind Reaper has been charged with the kidnapping of Nezuko Kamado. According to police report the 8 year old girl was a witness to the murder of her entire family. The Blind Reaper is the suspected murderer. This is the second kidnapping committed by him. We hope that the girls are safe."

Izuku turned of the TV and looked to his shoulder to see the delicate angel beside him. Toph was sleeping in her room.

 Toph was sleeping in her room

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Nezuko Kamado. He found her in her house right as she was about to be killed. Her quirk was telepathy. She could create a mental bond with anyone. Class 3 mental bonds were short sentences. Class 2 was access to memories and two way conversation. Class 1 was sharing thoughts, feelings and two-way speech.

He looked at her with regret in his eyes. If he was a few moments quicker she might have not suffered her trauma. He doesn't speak anymore. She only speaks through telepathy though once when she agreed to be his daughter she spoke, 'Yes'.

After that not a word. She wears a mask to hide her teeth. Unfortunately she had an ancestor with a vampire like quirk and she ended up with the teeth genes.

This was Izuku's family now. Hopefully forever

Words 1171

Posted 3/9/2020

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