1: Beau & Caleb

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light angst

Caleb remembers a lot of things. He has been made to memorize spells, algorithms, and people. While he can memorize everything about someone, it has taken him a long time to understand his friend's quirks, to recognize their moods.

How Veth puffs out her cheeks when she concentrates on perfecting a new crossbow bolt.

How Fjord picks at his new tusks when he reviews a new plan (that probably won't work, given their track record, but maybe one day).

How Beauregard slouches as she talks about her father.

This was not a topic that came up frequently, but when the Mighty Nein had to go to to Kamordah to talk to him for more information, you could cut through the apprehension in the air with a knife.

Watching her recount the story she knew by heart, of how her father's fortune came to be, Caleb saw how her walls rose up more and more. There was something else there, he thought. Mentioning it now would not help. But later? Yes, later when there was more time he would ask.


There was a ringing in her ears after she left that house. The tears that ran down her face as she held her friends in her arms kept her from just screaming. The blood was pounding in her head. Sniffling, she pulled back.

"Thank you guys. Thank you so much." She wiped her eyes, squared her shoulders, took a deep breath.

Avoided eye contact.

Jester didn't step away, "He's a real dickhead."

An agreeing silence fell over the group, the only sound being the drizzle of rain over head which progressed to a sturdy rain.

Caduceus moves towards the road back towards town, "I recommend we get a head start before this gets worse. I think a calm night closer to the edge of town is well deserved."

Jester links her arm with Beau as Caleb moves to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. They bustle past and Fjord who falls behind them as they all follow Cad with Nott bringing up the rear. Fjord made an eye contact with Yasha who gave a stern nod to him as she stayed behind, turning towards the house.

Beau kept her chin up as they walked. She was stiff and generally on edge after that interaction. It wasn't as bad as she thought it was. It could have been worse. He could have yelled. Her mom could have shut her out completely. Gods forbid, TJ could have been—

The hand still on her shoulder gives a gentle squeeze. Caleb saw she was spiraling.

"No time for that right now. Let us get back to town"

Beau nods a little bit and continues to hold onto Jester, no sign his words registered to her. Jester gives Caleb a less than subtle worried look that he lightly reciprocates. The man they left in that house had no right to speak to their friend like that. None. They won't be going back unless they absolutely had to. They would make sure Beau would not step towards that house again.

Continuing towards the inn the rain gets a little heavier, leaving a chill throughout the Nein. Still moving forward, Beau goes to hold onto Jester's hand. Jester gives a gentle squeeze which is not reciprocated, but she knows is appreciated.


They sat around their claimed table in the inn's common room. Everyone eating, light conversation. Beau and Caleb sat next to each other, no conversation between them. Just silence. Caleb noticed Beau taking small bites of her food, actually using silverware for once. Cutting small pieces of meat carefully and not just shoveling it into her mouth. It would look normal to most. But for Caleb, he knew Beau's mind was regressing.

He continued to observe her, watched as she still wiped her fingers on her pants, but also watched how she laid down her silverware almost perfectly before doing so. Watched as she sipped from her glass, not slurping like she usually does. She sat with both feet on the ground, her legs weren't tucked under her nor was she perched on her chair like she just does.

Caleb finally has enough when she actually asked to be excused from the table. He watched as she wipes her mouth once more before numbly standing and makes her way towards the stairs. Everyone else sat frozen as they were reeling from the fact Beau asked permission to leave. He stands to follow.

They get to the hallway upstairs when he catches up. He doesn't touch her, but he does call.

"Beauregard." She pauses, "What are you thinking right now?"

She doesn't look him in the eyes, "We got what we needed. So now we can go talk to the lady and break Nott's curse and then we can get her body back."

Caleb frowns. He's aware of why they went to her childhood home. He speaks again, "I believe what I'm trying to ask Beauregard, is your thoughts about going back today. I'm aware it was difficult and no where near an idea meeting—"

He's cut off by her shoulders slouching and her back finally untensing. She finally turns to him and there are tears in her eyes but they aren't spilling over.

There was a little sniffle, "Why wasn't he happy to see me?"

She choked a bit on the last couple of words and that's when Caleb took the few extra steps so they were standing closer.

"I did what he wanted me to do, I stayed in school did really well and I just—," she chokes back a sob this time, "Why wasn't he happy to see me?"

This time, Beau breaks. The sob she tried to hold back rings out and Caleb cannot take it any longer. This is not how he wishes to see her. Any of his friends' sadness is not ideal, of course, but this is Beauregard. She's the strongest among them. Caleb has seen first hand the fight and her fury both in and out of combat.

The fact that someone so strong is reduced to this because of a couple family members who should have treated them with all the love in the world, failed her. Let her down. Let her go. Made her regress to someone so timid and just not her.

"Alter, this is not something we can answer. He is not a good man and he has hurt both you and himself with the pact he made with the witch. I do not disagree that he was lax in his affections. I agree he should show you how much you mean to him. I believe he just has a... weak way of showing he cares."

They're standing right in front of one another now. Within reach. Beau continues to cry quietly now after receiving the kind words from Caleb. She reaches to place a tentative hand on his shoulder and when he does it back, he fully takes her into his arms and they just hug.

A bear hug, Beau resting her forehead on his shoulder, thankful for their similar height. Caleb has his arm around her back and the other around her shoulders providing gentle pats of comfort. It's different from their usual shoulder bumps and last longer than their few side-hugs but it does not feel awkward.

Gently pulling away. Caleb looks into her eyes, "Beauregard you are so bright and so strong. I've seen how hard you take notes, how hard you hold your own, how hard you love each of us. Your father does not deserve such an individual as you."

Beau looks back to him searching his eyes for any joke or other meaning and almost crumbles again when she doesn't find one. She hugs him harder once again before fully pulling away.

"I'm aware I don't say it a lot, but thank you."

Caleb gives her a small smile and pats her shoulder once more.

"I'll take it. Would you like to go actually finish your meal?"

"Oh hell yeah."

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