4: Fjord/Mollymauk

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A/N: Imagine Molly just didn't get got, okay? Also this chapter is not canon compliant, barely canon adjacent. He/him for Molly as well this chapter. General violence ahead but nothing too gory. <3

Molly felt Beau's fist rapt against his horn has she slinked further into the nearby undergrowth. The Nein were currently setting an ambush for a bandit party who had taken off with their client's "Jeweled Beetle". Apparently, it's a family heirloom. Now that Molly's thinking about it, it was never made clear if it's carved or an actual bug. I mean, it'd be pretty neat if it was live.

They've been on their tail for the last few hours and have just caught up as the other party was setting up camp for the night. According to said client, there was only 5 of them. Easily outmatched, but there was also word of a mage in their midst which made it a little more complicated. Being in the undergrowth about 30 feet away, it was easy for Molly to make out a small fire, a couple tents, a cart, and who appeared to be a couple well built, albeit human, figures and a shorter gnomish one.

Beau was settling just a few feet away, waiting for the signal to be given. It was a simple plan, distraction and retrieval. Beau, Fjord, Yasha, and Molly would attack and cause their distraction while Jester and Veth swindled the bug. Caduceus and Caleb would keep hidden within range to provide support to either team. Caleb would also be giving their signal.

Currently, Beau and Molly were crouching on one side of the camp while Fjord and Yasha were hiding almost opposite of them. Even with Molly's dark vision, he couldn't see either of them with the campfire reflecting every rustle of movement in the surrounding brush.

Just before they broke off into their teams earlier, Molly skipped over to Fjord and hooked an arm through his.

"Think tonight will go off without a hitch?"

Fjord scoffed, "When does it ever?"

Molly leant his head on Fjord's shoulder, so his curly mop of hair brushed his cheek. Fjord reached up with another hand and mussed it down so it wouldn't tickle as much, borderline petting his hair. He pressed a chaste kiss to the top of Molly's head as well.

"Just don't do anything reckless Molls," He said remembering the last mission.

Molly cracked a grin, "Never."

Back to their ambush, there was a flash of light as their signal came.

And it came in hot.

Caleb from the nearby tree line set off what was Molly assumed was going to be a firework sized flare but was actually a fireball spell. Glimpsing to Beau as the 20 ft sphere of roiling flame rocketed up close to the tree canopy, it appears she thought the same thing. It reached its climax and proceeded to catch the canopy above on fire as it went. Still, no time was wasted as the distraction crew attacked as the other party were shellshocked looking upwards.

Beau activated her gloves right before sending a swift uppercut to the closest human opponent. Neither of his compatriots had time to stop the knockout. Beau rounded on the gnome right as Molly swept to the other human in the camp. His opponent managed to pull out a blade to meet his with an arc upwards. Molly grinned widely as the human blocked his attack and immediately went for strike, this time with both scimitars downwards. He was only a bit shorter than Molly but was far more built in the shoulders and legs.

Block after block, his opponent continued to parry his swords while also backing themselves towards the cart they parked alongside the camp. Molly was able to see Veth scurry underneath in passing. His opponent was sweating and breathing heavily now as he continued to play defense. Molly had to give it to the guy, he was no amateur with a sword, being able to keep from being struck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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