Where do broken hearts go

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but Harry, we have to talk about it sooner or later. We can't just-" He cut me off.

"Not now, okay?! God, are you even listening??" He screamed furiously. There he was again. The unseen, unspoken of Harry. I put my arms in cross and looked away from him in anger.

He threw the couch pillows at the floor. "Damn it!" He went out of the livingroom and upstairs again. This boy had some serious aggression issues. He couldn't control himself at all when he got mad.

Okay, I did kind of set this bomb off, but he was acting annoying and ignorant. I didn't feel like doing anything else than what I did. Maybe he'd learn some now, and actually talk to me next time instead of just escaping like that. Which he also did the last night. Ugh.

People were starting to arrive, so it was now probably about 25-30 people in the livingroom. They all looked very nice, with party dresses and suits. My job was just to go around with drinks and offer them to people, Ms. Dalaria told me. And of course clean up the mess after people. Harry had still not come down since the little scene he had. I was starting to worry about him. What did he even do up there, alone in his bedroom? Did he cry? Did he punish himself for being so mad? Did he even think about it at all?

The smell of alcohol, the loud music and the big crowds were getting too much for me. I had to get out of here as soon as possible. I stopped, as I tried to make my way through the crowd. Harry came down the stairs, red in his eyes, and went in to the kitchen. He took a bottle of vodka before he headed upstairs again. Our eyes met, and I felt my heart break as he quickly looked away and poured the alcohol down his throat and walked upstairs again. I had to do something about this.

I waited a while before I went upstairs, just to give Harry some time. Walking up to him right after our eyes united, him giving me a heartbroken look, didn't seem like the best idea. But I made my way up at last, knocking at his door. I slowly opened the door to his bedroom, which was dark. All I could see was a sad, lonely boy sitting on his bed. Drunk.

He was sitting there, drinking and crying. "Harry..." I went over to him and sat down in front of him. His whole face was red of crying, and a strong smell of alcohol hit me as I kneeled down in front of him. I tried to get him to look at me, but it was impossible.

"I'm so good at screwing things up, aren't I?" He spoke after a while. I shook my head and put the palms of my hand to his cheeks.

"But I am, Lucy. I screwed things up with my mother, I screwed things up with my life and I screwed things up with you." He could hardly speak, choked of tears.

"Your mother?" I asked. Was he hiding more from me? This time I wasn't mad, I just didn't want him to carry this burden alone. He looked down in his lap, sniffling.

"She kind of left me when I was four" he cried. I couldn't believe what I heard. Leave Harry?.. How could she leave him? "But it's no big deal though, I mean she was a total mess anyway" he said and made a fake laugh. He drank some more of his vodka, before I took it away from him. The last thing he needed now, was more alcohol.

"Harry, why haven't you told me this before? You shouldn't be carrying this alone. The other boys knows, right?" He nodded.

"It's just... I feel like I'm ruining everything that's good in my life, or pushing it away, and I can't... I can't stop. I don't know what I'm doing, or why I'm doing it. It's uncontrollable" he explained. I wanted to shush him so many times, because the things he said wasn't true, but I decided to let him talk, and let it all out.

"Look at me" I said and turned his head to face me. His eyes were shiny. "Your mother leaving you is not your fault. None of it is your fault, Harry. As you said yourself, it's uncontrollable, you're not the one controlling this. It just happens. Everyone thinks like that, but what we don't realize is.. We're all wrong. It's not our fault, we're not the ones to put the blame on. We blame ourselves for everything bad that happens in our lives, and put so much pain into them. If we could just stop doing that, we would probably be much more happy and satisfied with our lives."

He looked me deeply into my eyes, his green, slightly red eyes meeting my blue-green. A tear fell from his eyes as he pulled me in. He embraced me with his big hands holding my face, his lips pressing softly against mine. Oh, how I missed those lips. He slowly pulled away, slightly biting my lip. I was so glad he wasn't a douche when he was drunk. I guess it just wasn't in his nature. It wasn't in him.



Hey guys! How did you like this chapter? I decided to put Zayns birthday in it, since it was his birthday when I started writing it.

So happy birthday to our lovely, handsome, gorgeous, kind Zayn! Can't believe his 22 omg. He's just a little boy from Bradford, and now he's smashing it! <3

(Can we just talk about the title of this story. I'm sorry, I had to lmao)

As I wrote this chapter, I realized something. I had forgotten Louis' birthday when I wrote the christmas chapters... That was kind of a bummer, but I'll make it up later with some stuff involving him, yay!

(We'll pretend I have figured that part out by now)

Comment, share and vote, and I'll keep writing as much as I can!

By the way, if you have a story you'd want me to check out, or if you want to be friends just comment! And, as I've said before, if you want any part in this story, also just comment and write which character you would like to be, name and age, and we'll try to work it out! :)

Love you, darlings ;*

-Caroline x.

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