A weak target

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"How was everything when I was in hospital? Were there a lot of cops and interviewers? God, I bet they just crawled all the way into your skin, searching for something to make a bit of good TV," Harry said in an annoyed tone.

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, there were some. But it was nothing we hadn't expected. I mean you are the famous Harry Styles, so-"

"Please.. Don't, call me that," Harry stuttered, looking rather disappointed, not looking at me.

"Babe," I uttered in a concerned voice. "Harry, you know I didn't mean it like that. You know that."

He sighed and nodded, looking up at me, and I could see hurt in his eyes. It stung my heart to realize that I had managed to hurt him with my words that weren't even meant to hurt him. There wasn't a bone or muscle in my body that wanted to hurt Harry. Not a single nerve. Sometimes I got mad at him, yeah, but I never wanted to hurt him.

"Harry, I would never deliberately hurt you. Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not," he stated. "And we don't really get much time together here so I'm definetely not gonna spend them fighting with you."

I nodded and bit my lip nervously, still not sure if he was mad at me or repeating what I just said to him over and over again in his mind. I wanted to slap myself for even letting the words slip out of my mouth.

"Uhm, Harry?" I said after a while.

He tilted his head up and nodded. "Yeah?"

"There was this guy that interviewed me, and he seemed a bit .. Odd," I said slowly.

He frowned. "What do you mean "odd"?"

"Well, he didn't really have one of those name signs or cards around his neck like the others had. And he asked these really strange questions and said some weird things. It was like he knew something, like he-"

"How did he look?" Harry asked frantically, and I suddenly noticed how startled he looked as I spoke.

I scratched my neck, trying to remember. "U-uhm, he was in his 20's, and he was wearing a grey hoodie with the hoodie over his hair so I could only see his face. He was pretty good-looking I would say. His eyes were a bright, blue color."

Harry groaned, and his features turned angry. "Clayton."

I froze. "Y-you know him?"

He nodded and looked away. "He's working with Dallas Porto, a drug dealing staff from Texas. They constantly try to get into our dealing system and find out our every route and every plan, anything to shut us down," he said with contempt. His eyes turned towards me. "What did he ask you?"

I frowned, flashbacks of our odd conversation starting to creep into my mind again, and the frightening words of his. I still hadn't forgotten about his little warning, nor had I stopped thinking of it. It was just stuck to my brain like super glue.

"He asked me what I knew about your dealing, and who you worked for," I said and furrowed my eyebrows. "If he already knew that, then why would he ask?"

Harry sighed and his eyes filled with concern. "Because he wanted to find out if I had told you anything. The soon as they have figured out that you know, you're involved."

My eyes widened and I swallowed. "What does that mean for me?"

He looked me deeply in the eyes and went quiet for a while.

"It means you're their target."

I frowned. The thought of me being someone's target scared the living thing out of me. It basically meant that I was already as good as dead. At least in this case. I had no chance against them, against anyone. I was just helpless, little Lucy, whose boyfriend was in prison. Or, halfway in prison. I realized how much I needed Harry. How much he meant to me. Not only because I needed protection, but because I loved him. I loved Harry more than anything in the world. And nothing could ever come between us. Nothing. Not the media, not the fans and not this.

"We'll make it through this, Harry," I said and looked at him with sad eyes. "All of it. I'll get you out of here and everything will be okay. I promise. We're strong together, and we love eachother."

He smiled sadly and looked at me with his gorgeous, green eyes that I could just get lost in and forget everything for a while.

"God, I wish I could kiss you right now," he said with desperation in his voice, looking at my lips with adoration.

I was about to answer when a loud voice cut me off.

"Visiting time over! Every prisoner gets back to their cells and every visitor gets back to their homes!"

I stood up from the chair, not taking my eyes off of Harry. He gazed me with broken eyes as I walked out of the door, and he mouthed "I love you." I dried my tears as I had gotten out of the room. A bunch of other people were walking in front of me. Some were crying, some were smiling and some were looking angry and frustrated.

Liam met me with a hug in the lobby, causing me to start sobbing like an idiot for some reason. He noticed and pulled away, looking at me surprised and concerned. His hands went to my cheeks and stroked them ligthly.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, it's alright," he repeated and dried away the tears that streamed down my face. I tried to stop it cause people were giving me glares, and I could barely see them cause it was all blurry. Finally I managed to avtually adopt what he said and stopped crying.

"Breathe in," Liam said and inhaled as I did the same. "And breathe out," he said, and we exhaled. "You okay?"

I nodded and sniffed. "Yeah, just a little intimidated by it all."

He stared at me for a while.

"Did Harry say something to you?"

I frowned at him. "N-no, I'm just .. Intimidated by the fact that Harry might end up in prison, that's all," I answered and swallowed.

He nodded, and we started walking out of the building. It was true what I told him. I really was intimidated by the fact that Harry might end up in cells with a total area of 9 cubic meters, no windows or access to any communication whatsoever and hard bread and water every day followed by a slight chance of getting raped every time he was to take a shower. I really was.

But that wasn't what I was the most intimidated by. It was the fact that I was their target, and Harry was locked up in cells.

I am their target.

And my hero can't save me.

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