"Really he was" I smile

"Yes he was " Eddy said and nod

"Ok guys here is the water" Mommy said as she comes with the water and gave us the cup

For a few minutes of silence and drinking the water. Eddy stood up and gave the cup to mommy.

"Well this is all for today" Eddy said

"But... but I thought that you were... oh men" I said and got up and cross my hands

"Sally is your mom's turn to teach you some other things too ok" Eddy said looking at mommy

"Ok then" I said and nod and mommy stand up and we all got into the house

"Let's go to the office room and set there it will be more comfortable" Mommy said and went to the kitchen to take the cups  

Eddy and I went into the office room and we grabbed a chair and sat down at the desk that we were last night. Minutes later mommy came in and look for some books. Then came to set down next to Eddy and in front of me.

"Ok let's begin this" Mommy said taking out one of the books she had to pick out from the bookshelves    

"I am going to teach you the basic then each day leveling up the teaching ok just like Eddy is going to do with his teaching" Mommy said and looking at me and I nod in agreement

Eddy was just sitting there listening to mommy and looking at me when I ask or answer a question. He just can't believe how fast I was learning everything.


Few Years has past

Every Mondays to Thursdays is Mom's teaching lessons and every Fridays to Sundays is Eddy training lessons. Yeah I know it is very hard sometimes but is worth it.

I was growing smart, faster, better, stronger, healthy and beautiful. Hahaha yeahp I am.

I was now 17 years old and God I was faster than Eddy. Running through the woods and feeling the fresh air on your face is so good you feel that you are free.

'Sally slow down a bit' Eddy said through the maid link and I stop running as I heard his voice from so far away       

'Stay where you are ok I'll go and find you just don't move' Eddy said again through the mind link

I stand there in the opened woods it was all alone. It's a good place to think it's so quiet here that you can only hear is your own thoughts and some birds. I sat down and lean my back against a big tree I breathe in and out and relax a bit.   

Then all of a sudden I heard something.

"Hello" I said and stand up

"It's that you uncle Eddy?" I said hoping that it was him

Buy the way I was feeling it was not him. It was someone else but who is it?

"Whoever you are I am not afraid of you" I said really loud so whoever it was can hear me

I can feel my whole body shivering it was not cold out but I was. My heart was beating loud and fast but I wasn't afraid. I was feeling butterfly's in my stomach but I wasn't nervous. I started looking everywhere but I don't see anyone there. 

I just calmed myself and breathed in and out. I close my eyes to start hearing my surroundings. To see if I sense someone or something coming.

'It's this is part of Eddy's training?' I said to myself

I just breathe in and out and opened my ears to listen, I cleared my maid and I let my eyes closed so that I can only feel my surroundings. When all of a sudden I heard and felt something so close to me.

I opened my eyes slowly and I see no one there. I look to both sides no one their ether. I toured around and my eyes were wide opened OMG there I saw it.

My heart was beating louder, I couldn't breathe right, I was feeling the butterfly's in my stomach going crazy, I couldn't explain what I was feeling exactly and I was speechless. 

I just can't take my eyes off of it. He was beautiful and a small smile came across my lips. He is a silver Black fur and gray eyes. It was breath taken.

I reach out to touch him but my hand was shaking. I breathe in and out and tried again to reach out to touch him. He got closer to me so that I can touch him.

Finally my hand touches his head his fur is so soft. He closes his eyes at the touch of my hand caressing him. I smile when I heard him growl very low. Then I felt a little bit dizzy and I fell to the floor.

He opened his eyes and now he is face to face with me and looking directly into my eyes. I have never seen so beautiful eyes like his. I wish I know who he was. I tried my best to say something but I just couldn't. He got so close to me that his nose was touching mine. His eyes glitter sending a shiver through my spine. 

"W... who are you?" I stuttered

He licks my cheeks making me blush, giggle and smile.


Let your comments below and tell me what you guys think 

Hope you guys like it thanks for reading :)

Sorry for the long waiting         

The chapter has been Edited and Fixed  

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