"Wait a minute," Lloyd looked up, "Sun. Where is Sun? We didn't see him."

"I was sent to collect him after the Twins went with the Emperor," Kozu bowed his head, "But... he was not there. The Emperor left him unconscious in front of your cell. Yet when I checked, he was gone."

"Gone?" Lloyd's eyes widened, "Wait, but it sounds like the Vermillion did something to him! Are you sure?!"

"He is likely searching for his parents, which he will not find," Kozu growled, "He has likely said that the one named Wu and Misako are here. That is a lie. The Emperor keeps them in a remote part of Ninjago. If he has gone looking for them, he will be of no help to us."

"We can't worry about him right now," Harumi stepped forward, clutching her uniform, "We found the Twins. The E-... we agreed to help the Emperor. We have to go and stop them first."

"Here," Monty reached his hand up, showing the shards of the Realm Crystal that Overlloyd had taken from them, "Take yours. I'll hang on to the extra ones"

Each of them quickly took one, putting them back into the secure places on their clothes. Monty slid the two extra shards he had into his armor. Once they had all recovered something lost to them, Kozu turned back towards the entrance. Lloyd looked down for a moment, thinking on what Kozu said, but ultimately raised his head and nodded to the group, then Kozu.

"We go now!" Kozu declared, "For the glory of the Emperor! We will fight these trespassers!"

"For the sake of Ninjago," Lloyd assured everyone. Each of them gave a small nod, "Lead the way, Kozu."

"Before we fight," Morro turned his necklace into his twin chained knives, "Why exactly did you decide to come here in the first place?"

Krux drew the Slow-mo blade, while Acronix took hold of the Forward blade. Cryptor charged up his massive new arm cannon, while Morro grinned and spun the knives in hand. The Twins ordered the Vermillion behind them to remain there as they readied for battle.

"We are the Masters of Time," Acronix declared eagerly, "We were able to sense something odd about this palace from the moment we felt it. Now that your foolish Emperor has confirmed our hunch, it's time for us to give you a bit of payback."

"You're here on nothing more than a hunch?" Cryptor laughed evilly, "Then I suppose it is only fitting that you should fall before us like broken clockwork."

"Was that a time pun?" Acronix blinked, "...Brother, I need to write that one down!"

"Do not go giving him anymore puns!" Krux drew his blade back, "I can barely stand his sense of humor as is!"

Sensing that Krux was about to attack, Cryptor fired his cannon. The blast of purple laser that came out grew into a large pulse that struck the ground near where Krux stood, causing a massive part of the ground to char and sizzle with the impact. When Cryptor turned his head to look, however, Krux was running forward with his blade pointed towards the laser. Cryptor let out a 'tssk' before raising his other carm, causing a massive blade that looked to be made of purple energy extended out from his wrist.

"Begin data analysis on targeted weapon!" Cryptor declared. At once, his red eye zeroed in on the blue time blade that Krux held. Krux held his other hand out, causing one of the Vermillion waiting behind them to pull their red blade from their back and throw it out to him. Krux caught the sword just in time to send both sword and time blade into Cryptor's raised blade. The purple blade crackled and fizzled with energy as Krux pushed against it.

Morro, grinning at the chance, flung one of the knives he had towards Krux, hoping to activate his ability on him. Instead, Acronix appeared in front of the blade with a flash of green and knocked the knife aside. The knife went flying away in the opposite direction, causing Morro to swing the chain and arc the knife back around. Acronix closed in on him, readying another time blade charge. Morro, sensing this, let go of the hand holding the other knife and instead reached up and grabbed hold of his scarf. The chain that was swinging around he caught in one hand, while the other threw the scarf out and caused it to click as the internal components made it stiffen up. The scarf wrapped Acronix's time blade, causing Acronix to lose focus as it was yanked out of his hand and then retracted back for Morro to grab hold of.

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