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Alacr, with a loud growl, slashed his sword straight through a Vermillion. The warrior was bisected and went flying back into the trees. Meanwhile, Griffin sped through the group, the speed of the ball on the chain swinging cleaving apart heads and scattering snakes across the ground. The scattered snakes began to slowly make their way back to their component body, leaving them standing like dolls until their bodies reformed enough to begin swinging again.

"Speed Sword!" Alacr held his sword out and spun on one foot, causing his body to rapidly accelerate before he slammed the sword into the ground and knocked away several Vermillion, "AceelStrike!"

"Tempo turnaround!" Griffin wrapped the end of his chain around one warrior, then yanked backwards. The warrior was spun like a top, flying straight into another and breaking them both apart.

"Do they both name their attacks like that?" Ray grunted, bringing down another volley of lightning to warriors around him.

"I-I think it might be a family thing..." Dorian gasped out, holding several arrows in the sky under slowed time, "N-Naming your attacks is important!"

The rock shelf the group were fighting under rumbled havily. Dust spilled down from the roof above them, causing Dorian and Ray to share a nervous look. When the rock didn't collapse, they both took a sigh of relief and went back to fighting the group. The two caught a brief sight of Skylar lifting up a metal arm, having just struck the ground to try to destroy Machia.

"S-She's too powerful to name all her attacks," Dorian mumbled, "L-Lucky."

The 'lucky' girl atop the rocks was anything but. Machia held her foot up and caught Skylar's arm with it, then yanked her foot to the side to stomp Skylar's left arm into the ground. As Skylar hissed in pain, Machia attempted to grab her neck. Skylar's other hand grabbed Machia's wrist and deflected the grab to her shoulder. Skylar's hand then heated up with fire, paying back the pain she felt. Both let go and took several steps back to save each other.

"Why are you so hard to kill?!" Skylar growled out, slamming her foot down onto the ground to draw up rocks for her to punt at Machia.

Machia's snakes in her feet shot out to wrap around the rocks as she brought her arms up to guard herself. The first two rocks she dodged, but the third hit home. The rock shattered upon impact with her arms, causing the metal to cave in. The gauntlets on the other side burst open from the pressure, and both fell off. Machia's snakes brought her back to standing, and Skylar now saw the extent to Machia's body.

"Because," Machia opened her ams, showing the snakes slithering and tensing around each other, almost like muscle flailing and undulating in the arm between her armored hands and upper arms, "We will consume all those weaker than us!"

Skylar, horrified at the sight, channeled that disgust into her next attack. She ran forward, then leapt into the air and began to spin her body to add power to her kick. Her foot filled up with water, which, when she struck Machia, burst out onto her face. Machia didn't move, but the water instantly froze over into a chunk of ice on her head. Skylar, sensing her victory, leapt up on one foot to deliver another spin kick to shatter the ice and break Machia's head.

Suddenly, Machia's left glove burst out and a massive cone of snakes shot out from her. Skylar's eyes widened as the snakes shot up and onto her face, smothering the flesh and making her stumble back. Machia's stump of an arm reached out with more of her snakes, her right arm growing limp, connecting with the mass on Skylar's face and driving her to the ground. Machia, her arm looking like it's grown to suck Skylar's face off, writhed.

A single snake from under Machia's armor moved and, with its fangs, picked away at the ice until it weakened. With a shake of her head, it fell away. Machia's eyes were wild with delight as Skylar struggled beneath her. The snakes smothered her, their fangs going for her face and lighting terror in her as she saw some going for her eyes.

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