Chapter 11 Rose: Completed & Revised

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Rose's POV

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked trying to act innocent.

"Don't bother lying to me. I have spies in the central kingdom." My heart stopped in fear for the queen. His threat was simply hidden from other ears but I was used to hearing his threats.

"The Southern king." I whispered. He laughed a very evil laugh.

"Right you are, Sister. I have never been able to pull a fast one on you have I?"

"Well brain washing doesn't really count does it, Brother?" I turned on my heal and walked out, Jason was at my heels. My anger was getting the best of me. I jumped on Midnight's back when we got outside of the castle and picked up the girl from earlier before we flew down the streets.

"I am The Protector!" I called to the people. "All to the town square!" They did as I said. I gave them a few minutes to gossip then started my speech. "I am Protector Rose Belladonna! I was your princess! I went missing four years ago, but now I am back!" I raised my arms. "I am back to spread peace across the lands and to stop the pending war! Your king is on the wrong side! He will lose I swear to it!" The crowd started to cheer when I got on Midnight's back. "Chose what side you are on carefully! All those against your king go to the Central Kingdom they will protect you there!" Midnight roared then flew into the sky. I knew I started an uprising, but all I could focus on was the hatred I felt for my brother. We landed in a grove by a village. I jumped off Midnight and as soon as my feet touched the ground the skies turned black, the wind picked up, and it started to rain. I screamed into the sky, thunder boomed in the background and I seen a tornado growing in the distance. The pond nearby was turning into a funnel. I looked over at Jason and noticed the girl running away behind him. Jason's face was full if fear. It reminded me of when I killed Carl. Instantly the wind died the pond was a calm pond again, and there was no tornado. I fell to the ground crying.

"I'm so sorry." Jason touched my shoulder. "Don't touch me I'm a monster. I'm just going to hurt you." It started to snow. I opened my wings and flew into the sky. I could hear Jason following me. "Just go away!" Thunder boomed covering my voice. I flew higher and higher. Soon I could barely breath and I felt like throwing up so I started to flew towards the earth planning to lose Jason. When I gained more speed I flew close to the ground, and Jason realized what I meant to do and was determined not to lose me. I flew into a forest; my wing span shortening. I had to pay close attention to the trees or risk getting hurt. When I had looked back I noticed Jason was no longer behind me. I turned around figuring he was flying above the forest trying to get to the end of it so he could stop me. It was night fall and the trees where getting closer together making it harder to see despite my extremely good eyesight. There was a thick layer of fog surrounding me. I couldn't see past my finger tips. I stopped flying. I built a rock shelter and had a little fire going to keep me warm. I soon started to drift off.

"Why do you run from your friend?" I was a in small green meadow with Richard- one of my past lives- sitting beside me.

"I don't want to hurt him. He is one of the few dragon riders I've met. I have to protect him with my life as it is my duty."

"It may be you duty, but are you going to let that come in between your friendship?"

"I would do anything to keep him safe." He moved a strand if hair from my face.

"That is not what I asked. Are you going to let your duty come in between your friendship?" I thought about it as I watched the pond it looked familiar to the one from earlier with its plant around the bank.

"I guess not." The pond started to ripple.

"One of our past lives let there duty come in between a friendship. They were never the same person again. I warn you, your duty does not always come first. Love does." I was washed away in a giant wave that came from the pond.

"Rose, Jason is hurt." I could hear the panic in Midnight's voice.

"Where are you guys?" I sent back panic flooding through me. My rock walls fell to the ground with a big thump and crumbled into dust.

"Near the red waterfall." I opened my wings and flew up into the sky to look for them and save Jason.

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