Did Columbus discover or invade America?

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  • Dedicated to @Cleostabtra

Before i start , i would like to say that i am british therefore this essay is purely based on the facts layed out in front of me.SO please do not take any offense .

 This is dedicated to @Cleostabtra for helping me out  with some of my other work and even if i haven't know her for too long , she is reliable and very very kind.

In this essay, the controversial topic of weather Columbus discovered or invaded the West Indies will be thoroughly discussed.There are two very different views of Columbus, on one hand, there is the Italian explorer who discovered the West Indies; on the other hand Columbus is thought to bringing slavery, diseases, and death to the indigenous inhabitants of the so-called new World. The reasoning behind various historians’ opinion will also be identified. In order to make an accurate and unbiased judgement, the terms ‘discover’ and ‘invade’ need to be understood. Discovering is defined as gaining knowledge and awareness of something or someplace for the first time. Whereas, invade means entering another’s country by force with soldiers for the purpose of conquest and occupation.

It could be argued that Christopher Columbus discovered the West Indies rather than invade it. In Columbus’ perspective, he went to the island for the first time; he never intended to find a new island. In fact he never knew he found a vast, whole new continent until he died. He ended up in the West Indies whilst trying to find a quicker route to travel to India and prove that the world was circular. Christopher Columbus thought he was in India. We know that he went to the West Indies for the first time when he says “They go as naked as they were born…they paint themselves black, but they are in the colour of canary Islanders”. This quote from Bartholomew Las Casas’ book indicates that Columbus observed and gained knowledge of these people and their culture for the first time which supports the definition of discover. I think that this quote is reliable as it was written in the 16th century therefore it is most likely accurate because it wouldn’t have been changed over time and supposedly this quote was from Columbus’ log book. Furthermore, in Theodor de Bry’s painting, we can clearly see the Arawak’s welcoming the Spaniards by presenting valuables and gifts to them. Perhaps, the Arawak’s didn’t feel invaded. However this could be interpreted differently; maybe the Arawak’s are handing over the valuables and gifts because of fear. This suggestion leads on the next point-did Columbus invade the West Indies?

Furthermore, one of the main reasons the monarch of Spain Supported Columbus financially was because they wanted to spread Catholicism. This is evident when a Spaniard is shown putting a cross on the ground. This action symbolises colonization. From the painting, the Spaniards seem more powerful and superior to the Arawak’s whose stance seems fearful, cowardly and inferior. This can be inferred from the Spaniards posture which is confident and their clothes suggests that they are wealthy. The Spaniards arrived with mass numbers of soldiers and they were carrying weapons such as swords. This piece of evidence clearly suggests that Christopher Columbus did invade the West Indies. In addition to that, the population of the Arawaks significantly decreased to zero by the 1600s.In 1492, there was 60,000 Arawaks however when the Spaniards arrived in the West Indies, they brought diseases with them which the Arawaks were not immune to. Not only that, Christopher Columbus brought 3 ships full of criminals with him to the voyage which was also to blame for the drop in population.  These men murdered, raped and enslaved the natives of the West Indies.According to an article by John Margolis entitled "Goodbye Columbus", Columbus "oversaw the killings of some (Indians) and ordered the enslavement of others .There was mass genocide. In Bartholomew Las Casas’ book, he includes an extract from Columbus’ log book which states ‘I believe that they would easily become Christians as they appear to have no religion.’ The explorer was indeed wrong as the Arawaks were Polytheists. Today, there 25 percent of Americans are Catholics. Also, the Vikings travelled to America 500 years before Columbus was even born but the Arawaks were left alone. Now that is called a discovery. All the actions of Columbus and his crew clearly define the word ‘invasion’.


People have different opinions and interpretations about Columbus’ voyage to the West Indies. But one cannot truly understand what really happened without the native people’s version of the story. Unfortunately, we do not know this as the Arawaks didn’t have a written language therefore there is a possibility that the facts could have become inaccurate overtime. Plus, many historical events are only told to us in the view of the victors who in this case was Christopher Columbus. Nevertheless, the majority of historians investigated portray Columbus as a hero. For instance, authors such as Cambridge University, Peter Moss and DK all agree that Columbus discovered America. This is seen in the use of words such as ‘found’, ‘discovered and ‘came across’. The views of these historians can be explained by their background. All of the authors are European so they are euro-centric. Likewise, Columbus Day is mostly celebrated by the descendants of the European settlers who came to America shortly after Columbus. According to them Columbus is a great man who discovered America. Their belief was influenced by their race, upbringing, family, media and books. In contrast, the descendants of the native people see Columbus Day as ‘the day of indigenous resistance’. Musician Burning Spear strongly expresses his opinion on Columbus through his song Columbus when he says ‘Christopher Columbus is adman blasted liar’. His views are ethno centric, his decision was influenced by his ethnic background.

 Despite all these different arguments, it is agreeable that America wouldn’t be as civilised as it is without Columbus coming. All this history relates to the modern day because is Columbus didn’t ‘find’ the West Indies, the world would have been a different place; the technology and knowledge would have been limited. It certainly wouldn’t be the leading and most developed country in the world. However in my opinion, I think that Columbus invaded the West Indies because he colonized the people and Christianised them. As a third person, I am not one to judge but with the facts in front of me, my once clouded vision has become clear. Before, my opinion was impacted by media, books, peers and teachers.  If I was asked the question ’do you think Christopher Columbus discovered or invaded the West Indies?’ I would have said he discovered it without a second thought but now I feel empathetic toward the indigenous people; surely, no one would like a foreigner coming and invading your home.





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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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