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At the crime scene

Tony's POV

L.G.: McGee talk to with the witnesses, DiNozzo check the surveillance cameras, Bishop photos.

A.D., T.M. and E.B.: On it.

We all went to do what Gibbs told us to. But I just, wasn't in the mood. I just found out that Ziva was replaced by Bishop and that hurts. I had a feeling this morning when I woke up but I didn't care. I gotta be more like Gibbs. I need to trust my gut.

Gibbs' POV
When everyone went to do what I asked them to. I stayed next to Bishop and the body. She was doing well so far.

McGee's POV
I don't know if I should be happy or if I should be worried. On one hand I'm happy because I really liked working with Bishop last week, and she seems like a really good friend. But on the other hand I'm worried about Tony. How isn't he yelling at Bishop already? After all she took his girlfriend's place. I mean in the office, I totally didn't mean in his heart of course, they barely know each other, I find it very hard to believe that two people that barely know each other could be dating. Of course that's what happened with me and Abby, but I'm with Delilah now and Abby is okay with it, so I'm very happy. Ugh I am so bored the witnesses aren't telling me anything.

T.M.: So you don't know anything about the shooter?
Witness.: No.
T.M.: Ok thank you anyway. If you remember anything contact me.

I gave them my number and went back to report to Gibbs.

Tony's POV
I really shoud've listened to my gut. Now I'm here looking for cameras, and Bishop is there being treated just like Ziva on her first week. But something about her makes me want to get to know her better, why is that? I certainly can't have feelings for her we barely know each other. What's up with probie? He seems off.

A.D.: No cameras boss. I was about to go check with probie...
E.B.: But I am right here.
A.D.: The other probie!
T.M.: No need to... The witnesses are useless, except one, Joe Stone, when I asked him about the murder he started acting strange.
L.G.: How Strange?
T.M.: I don't know boss, I just have a feeling about this guy.
L.G.: Let's talk to him then.

We turn around and...

T.M.: He's gone!
A.D.: That's strange.
L.G.: Let's go back to the office and investigate this guy.

Bishop's POV
We went back to the office and we started to investigate the dead guy and the witness that just disapeared. For some reason McGee and DiNozzo are acting weird around me I wonder why is that. Well, I'm gonna talk to Abby, hopefully she knows something. I had to go ask her about the case anyway. So, I get in the lab and Abby is stepping on bubble-wrap, really?! And I thought I was crazy. It's the second time I think this in relation to this team. It can't be good.

E.B.: Hi Abby! Is everything ok?
A.S.: Look, I know you are new in this team, but with time you'll learn that I hate not getting what I want. And what I want right now is getting a lead but I can't because I can't find out the code to unlock the phone, and I've tried everything! And trust me when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING.
E.B.: Ok calm down and take a breath. There has to be something you haven't tried.
A.S.: I hardly doubt that.
E.B.: You know the coffee shop the victim was at this morning.
A.S.: Yes.
E.B.: Okay. So, the victim used the cellphone there.
A.S.: Where are you going with this?
E.B.: Can you pull the video from the surveillance cameras at the coffee shop.
A.S.: Okay.

She gets the video and thank God the image is clear, or else my plan wouldn't work.

E.B.: Okay. So, now zoom in on the cellphone.
A.S.: Oh my God, I can see him typing the code!! Bishop, you're the best! Thank you.
E.B.: You're welcome.

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