Lost in thought

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At the Bullpen

McGee's POV
It had been a year since Ziva left, well, a year, three months and eighteen days to be exact. She was like a sister to me, I hope she knows that.

Tony's POV
I'm looking at Ziva's desk and I still can picture in my head her beautiful smile. I just can't believe that the woman I love the most left me behind. I was lost in thought when I felt a head slap. I'm guessing, from Gibbs. Obviously.

L.G.: Grab your gear, dead body in Quântico.

As soon as Gibbs walked away and made his way towards the elevator, McGee gave me a comforting look, but the only look that would give me comfort right now is Ziva's.

At the crime scene

Gibbs' POV
We arrived at the crime scene and we saw that, surprisingly, Ducky and Palmer were already there working on the body.

L.G.: Alright, McGee search the area, check if there are any cameras. DiNozzo talk to the witnesses see if they can describe the killer, Ziva...

Suddenly everyone stopped doing what they were doing... looked at me and a very akward silence took over the moment.

L.G.: Just do your job.

And then everyone went to do what I just told them to.

Ducky's POV
As Jethro mentioned Ziva I knew he was still dealing with her leaving, she was a daughter to him. And don't get me started on poor Anthony, I always knew there was something more between them than just a friendship. They loved each other, sometimes life just isn't fair.

L.G.: Time of death Duck.
D.M.: Well, due to the body temperature and the dry blood I would say about ten hours, but I will know more after the autopsy.
L.G.: Okay
D.M.: Oh, and Jethro it's normal that you still think about Ziva, she was family. I know it's hard to let her go, but if you need to talk, Jethro, my doors are always open.
L.G.: I'm fine, Duck.

As Jethro walked away I knew he wasn't fine, no one is fine after losing a daughter.

Tony's POV

T.M.: No cameras in the area boss, though I did find his cellphone.
A.D.: The witnesses described the killer, now we just need someone to draw.
J.P.: Normally that would be Ziva.

We just stared at Palmer weirdly, and he went back to his work.

L.G.: Pack up, let's go back to the office.

At the Bullpen

McGee's POV
I looked over at Tony and he was looking at Ziva's desk, I could tell he was lost in thought again. He only came back when we heard Gibbs' voice.

L.G.: Update! What do we know?
T.M.: The victim is petty officer William Harrison, 37 years old, married, no kids.
A.D.: Our petty officer had a younger sister, 26 years old, single, she lives with her parents in Maryland.
L.G.: Okay, DiNozzo bring in the wife, McGee bring in the family.

Tony and I were leaving and we bumped into a blonde woman as we were heading towards the elevator.

E.B.: Hi I'm looking for Special Agent Gibbs.
L.G.: Yeah it's me, who are you?
E.B.: I'm Eleanor Bishop, I'm an analyst for NSA. I have reasons to believe that our cases are linked...

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