Chapter One

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Please, no flames. Constructive criticism is appreciated. If I've made any sort of mistake, grammar or factual or whatever, please tell me so I can fix it. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing! I am not Rick Riordan, sadly. :'(


"Come on, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth cries. She's running ahead of me, her gray eyes sparkling in the light from the slowly setting sun. "We have to get to our reservation, let's go!"

I chuckle as I race after her. "Remind me why we're in Boston again?" For some reason, we have (Read: Annabeth has) decided to go to Boston for a vacation-ish thing. We're heading to a reservation at some fancy restaurant.

Annabeth groans. "Percy, we've been over this a million times. There are so many great feats of architecture here. Like the Simmons Hall, and One International Place and..." She blabbers on and on, while I just nod my head every once in a while. Finally she smacks me across the chest playfully. "You weren't listening to a word I said, were you?"

I shake my head cheerfully. "Nope! Not a word."

She sighs exasperatedly. "I don't know why I put up with you." At my faux- sad face, she laughs and pecks my cheek. "Seriously though, we're going to be late. Let's go."

I smile and follow after her. As soon as we turn the corner onto a large bridge that has a nose sticking out of it (Annabeth says it's a Viking ship), a giant snake launches itself out of the water onto the bridge. "Perssssseuss Jacksssssson and Annabeth Chassssse. What a deliciousssssss meal for Jorysssssson."

I snort. "Joryson? Your name is Joryson?" When the snake nods, I burst out laughing. "Annabeth! His name is Joryson!"

She sighs and rolls her eyes. "Yes, Percy. His name is Joryson. Now please, just kill it and get it over with."

I pout. She's no fun. I pull Riptide out of my pocket and pull the cap off. I javelin my sword right in between the snake's electric green eyes. It crumbles to golden dust. "Well, that was surprisingly easy."

She snorts and waves me along to the restaurant. We slide into a booth and sit and talk and kiss and laugh and have a good date. In the middle of dessert, my gut clenches. Something is about to happen. Something bad.

A scream pierces the air. Annabeth and I jolt out of our seats. I throw about seventy five dollars onto the table and run towards the sound, pulling my sword out as I do. Annabeth is right behind me, her drakon-bone dagger already poised to stab whatever it is she needs to.

We arrive back at the bridge, where hundreds of those snake things have gathered. When they see us, they shriek. "PERSSSSSSEUSSSSS! CHASSSSSSE! You have killed our brother! We sssshall feassssssst on your flessshhhh."

I stumble backwards, shocked. Annabeth is staring with wide eyes. "There's so many of them," she breathes.

I growl a bit, deep in my throat. "We can't just let them hurt people. C'mon, Wise Girl. We can take them." I smile at her and kiss her, full on the lips. She relaxes before pulling away and stabbing one of the snakes in the gut. I laugh and charge into battle.

Monsters burst into dust all around me as I slash with my sword. Riptide turns into a weapon of mass destruction as dozens upon dozens of snakes fall beneath my blade. Soon, Annabeth and I are standing in the middle of the bridge, panting heavily. I turn to her. "See, Wise Girl? Nothing to worry about." She starts to smile, then her eyes widen and she launches her dagger above my head. I whip around just in time to see a snake crumble to dust.

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