Chapter 15

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I trusted him.

I l-l- lolo-LOVED him!

He was like a father to my only child!

A single tear dropped from my face when he finished. If I couldn't even trust him...I can't trust anyone! I also come to a shaky stand, but this one was not out of weakness, but out of anger, balling my fists, I looked down at Yeonjun who was still on the floor, looking up at me with those big, beautiful eyes.

I know he's going to be a pretty boy....

I looked up into Lee Know's eyes, they seemed apologetic and sad.


"Yes Mommy?" Yeonjun jumped up, excited.

"I love you." with that I took Bang Chan's knife he used to kill my cubs and stabbed myself straight into the heart.

Third Person POV

Snow White's blood splattered from her chest onto Yeonjun and Lee Know who's eyes quickly widened, she began to limply tip but Lee Know was able to catch her, the stab wound was too deep, she was losing too much blood. Yeonjun couldn't believe his eyes, he began crying, loud, and ugly, he dropped to his knees, crying for his Mommy to stop bleeding.

Lee Know tried his best to save her blood, put pressure on the wound to keep her alive, but every second her body was getting colder and colder. The very people he vowed not to trust, he knew he needed their help.

"STRAY KIDS IN THE AREA!" he called out desperately, tears in his eyes, pain in his throat. He stroked Snow's pale face.

"Come on Snow stay with us please...PLEASE." Lee Know begged, holding her tight to him.

When he recieved no answer he called again.

"STRAY KIDS IN THE AREA!" he screamed now, when he knew they weren't coming he stood with weak bones and rushed out the room, leaving Yeonjun crying alone in the room, clawing at his mother's blood on the floor. 

And there they all were, Stray Kids, as soon as they saw him with bloody Snow in his arms they jumped up.

"She's dying!" he screeched angrily at them. They all jumped up and scurried around.

But they were too late.

Snow was dead...

Her last words?

"Yeonjun, I'm sorry to leave you to these monsters. Live a good life."  she whispered, but from around the corner, despite the chaos, despite the noise, despite his tears... he heard her. And from that young age...he promised he would live a good life.

he promised he would live a good life

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Goodbye Snow. I changed my mind...I don't want to do a sequel, rather do a whole different TXT fanfic unrelated to this, but that is coming later this month haha.

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