Chapter 10

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We all woke up early morning, breakfast, washed up, dealt with cubs, etc.
Now is the time, all of us went outside, I slowly made my way to it, but even from a distance I could see...

The barely plant was high, standing straight up, taunting me.

I was expecting this yet it still hurt, I looked at Bang Chan, he held a knowing smile on his face, all the boys were smiling wildly.
"I'm going to be an uncle!" Felix cheered, running up to me, grabbing me into a tight hug, bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement.
Han and Seungmin had to tear him away from me, reminding him he might hurt the baby. They touched my flat stomach, talking to it, cooing at it, and I.N. just stared at it, like he still cant believe that there is a human inside me.
I looked over at Bang Chan who was still staring at the barley plant, he seemed to have noticed my staring, he looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm having a little boy..." his voice sounded strange, weak, he too came up to me and wrapped in a hug, it wasn't tight like Felix's, rather soft.

It felt strange...

I'm now in an estimated 6th month of my pregnancy, my stomach has grown huge, I cant even see my feet anymore.
And more than that, my feet and ankles are terribly swollen, I'm tired all the time, I'm hungry all the time and

Stray kids are scared out of their mind now, only three months left until I give birth, they have put more restrictions on me like I'm not restricted enough by this dumb belly. They dont let me leave the room, they dont even let me leave the bed! Everyday I lay in Bang Chan's bed and they feed me from here, bring me bags to throw up from here, and I wont even tell you how I poop and pee from here.

It's terrible.

"Felix!" I called with the loudest voice I could muster, not much.

"Felix!" I tried again.

Before I could call again I could hear pounding footsteps, the bedroom door swung open.
"What's wrong?" He came to my side, bending down to my level.

"Cubs." Was all I said, he laughed in response.

"No way, those guys are way too big now, I can barely pick them up!" He exclaimed, I know he's telling the truth but I cant help but miss them, and I know they miss me too. Some nights they'll scratch at the door, begging to get in.

"Cubs." I said again.

He just shook his head at me.

Then he was choking, grabbing at my hands, then I realized I was choking him, my hands were firmly wrapped around his neck.
The anger the boiled inside me that I didnt even realize was there cooled and I let go. He held his neck when finally released, gasping for air, staring at me with wide eyes.

"I'll go get a cub." He said in a raspy voice before exiting.

I stared at my hands in disbelief, I've never done that before, it felt weird, I power?

The bed sink next to me, without looking I held my hands out, waiting for my cub to placed in my hands.
I was surprised when I did not feel the soft, smoothness of their fur, rather the warmth of human hands.
I look up to see a smiling Han, his eyes forming semi circles as his smile grew big, he had took my small hands in his big ones, and was stroking them before he brought them to his cheeks.

"Seems Little Snow has gotten quite bold since she became pregnant huh?" He cocked his head, kissing my hand. I shivered, I never noticed He looked.
His sweet round eyes turned chic in a blink of an eye, he looked at me, no, through me.

"I wont hesitate to teach you some things even though you're pregnant, so watch out~." He looked me up and down, letting his eyes slowly graze over my newly enlarged breasts, he winked then left the room.

Sweat puddled under my night gown, or is that pee?

Felix returned with Toad in silence.
"What about Hare?" I asked as he brought Toad over to me.

"Hes not exactly fond of being picked up."

He carefully placed Toad at the edge of the bed.

Toad was now more than half my size, just his weight on my legs felt hard to bare. He sniffed around on the bed for a second before letting his eyes land on me.
His once big, brown eyes have become small, black, beady.
His once soft fur seemed rough....

"Have you been taking care of him?"

"Everyday." Felix answered.

"Then what's wrong with him?"

"He grew up."

He has indeed, Toad had to get off the bed when he started trying to climb on me, his weight was too much anymore, he might crush the baby. Felix pushed him out the room so I could get some rest.

I cant even care for my cubs anymore...

Lee Know walked in with a plate of food that smelled delicious, when he put it to my face I shied away, I just cant eat right now.

"What's wrong Snow?" He reached his hand up and pet the back of my head, playing with strands of my hair.

I shrugged at him, looking down into my lap blankly.

"Well you need to eat." He held up the plate again but I turned away.

"I'm not leaving you to take care of this yourself," he began.

I burst into tears.

Care, Care, Care! I cant care for my cubs!

I was sobbing, choking on my tears that spilled uncontrollably from my eyes, I made weird gasping noises, trying to catch my breath.
Lee Know's expression became worried and he immediately reached out and held me in his arms, resting my head on his shoulder, stroking my hair more soothingly.
"Its okay its okay." He repeated into my ear, not asking questions, not guessing, just caring....
I wish I could do that for my cubs, my babies are getting so big yet here I am sitting in this bed taking care of his child.

I clenched a bundle of his clothing in my fist as I held onto him, letting my tears stain his shirt.

The bedroom door opened, Seungmin, Bang Chan, and Han entered, all carrying different expressions. Seungmin neutral, Chan worried, and Han...happy? Bang Chan knealed in front of me.
"What's wrong?" He said in a soft voice, I looked at him for a second with teary eyes before hiding my face in Lee Know's shoulder again. I heard him grunt beside me.

"Come on Snow we dont have all day." I could hear Seungmin roll his eyes.

"Shush." Lee Know, the eldest silenced them.
"Snow?" I lifted my head up to look into his eyes, they were comforting, and warm.

"At least one word? One word?" He pouted.

"Care." I barely managed.

The men looked at each other for a second then back at me.

"Snow...we do care for you." Bang Chan bent down to my level, stroking my head.

Well that makes me sad too but not now.

So I shook my head them.
They raised their eyebrows now in confusion.

"Well spit it out." Seungmin commands, now annoyed.

"I-I cANt TakE CAre of mY cUbs aNYmoRe!" I said in a shaky voice, tears coming in blobs to the point my eyes hurt and felt sore.

They were quiet. Shock written on their face, I guess they didnt believe I could get so attached to them, I didnt either, but now that I am I cant help but think of them as my babies.

"But now you have a new baby, my baby~" Bang Chan said softly to me, giving me a warm, cute smile, reaching out to stroke my big, round stomach.
I nodded to him, but in my heart I didnt want to take care of his baby, I wanted to take care of mine.

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