To everyone’s shock, Calvin fished out a pistol from his trousers. Filled with rage, he acted quicker than his opponents did and managed to shoot Arnold and Stevens just under the chest, not enough to kill them but enough to immobilise them. But that timeframe was enough to get Clement to cock his gun and shoot Calvin in the leg; a grave mistake he later realised for the adrenaline coursing through Calvin's veins couldn’t be stopped by a bullet in his leg. In return Clement got himself just as immobilised as his other two comrades, trying his best not to stop breathing, and witnessing his death approach slowly.

“Quick! Get out of here. I'll meet you at the garage,” Calvin yelled at the four tens, who were still in shock from the scene they had just witnessed. They immediately snapped back to reality and their scared faces went to the bodies of Stevens, Arnold and Clement lying there on the floor.

“Should we call the police?” Jeff asked, freaking out.

“Don't you fucking dare call the police!” Calvin's face suddenly turned into a dark one, and Marcus realised that this was a side of Calvin they hadn't seen before. One that had suffered the betrayal of three selfish men who only cared about themselves, and one that had just witnessed the murder of his overnight best friend. Calvin turned to them.

“Grab Maxwell and get out of here! Right now! I'll follow you once I clean this mess up,” he said, kicking away the gins from the other three who had just been shot. Marcus and Luis obeyed and they immediately grabbed Maxwell’s dying body from the floor, struggling to carry it out of the school, leaving a trail of red behind them. They dared not to look back, fearing that in doing so they might hallucinate that Stevens was still after them. They managed to get out of the tuition block, but not too far from it Maxwell gave up.

“Leave me guys, I can't go ahead,” he breathed weakly. Marcus and Luis placed him down just beside a tree, his back on the trunk.

“No, Maxwell. You cannot die on us. We'll get you to a hospital,” Marcus tried to reassure him.

Maxwell shook his head as he coughed out some blood.

“Marcus, this is the end of the road for me. This is where I pay for all the bad I did. For joining that evil gang, for helping in covering up a murder, for trying to attack you guys,” he spoke, his voice failing him. Tears started falling from his eyes, and the other four couldn’t control them either, letting them flow freely.

“No, you didn’t Maxwell. You don’t deserve this. You were forced,” Michelle cried out, but the words were of no use, it was obvious that Maxwell wouldn’t make it. They circled around him, each too hurt that such a young man had suffered so much, only to have his life taken from him so early.

“That’s the problem, Michelle. I could have done something, and maybe we wouldn't be here,” Maxwell was now struggling to talk, hitting a few pauses in between his speech. He turned his eyes painfully to Marcus.

“Kids, you need to promise me something,” he said, his body shutting down.

“Anything,” Jeff replied, his tears still flowing.

“Promise me,” Maxwell paused. “Promise me that you'll find Sheila's killer.”

And before Maxwell got an answer from the four, he breathed his last, his eyes closing and body falling to one side. Michelle broke into a sob and fell into Marcus' arms, her body trembling. Jeff also fell into Luis' embrace, each crying their hearts out. It was a new point for the four; one in which would define their relationship. But what pained them more was leaving Maxwell's body there as they ran away.

For Maxwell had no family.

His corpse would have no one to claim it.

His corpse would have no one to claim it

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