26. The Managing Director

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Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

~Lao Tzu



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Marcus gaped at the magazine, eyes wide open, not wanting to believe what he had seen. It still did not sink well upon him that he was the Student of The Month. Students of the Month in Arabella Academy school magazine, The Lounge, were mostly chosen on their merit. However, it seemed that the month of May had suffered an exception.

"Is this a magazine or a leaflet?" Jeff complained. He was angry that May's issue had decided to remove all of his favourite segments in memorial of Sheila, and that feeling was equally shared by most of the Arabellans.

"I can't believe I wasted my time to be interviewed for this...this piece of paper. They could have just not published the magazine. Would be better for everybody," he continued sulking.

"Except Sheila," Michelle said as she joined them. She had grown to like the boys' company and usually spent her time around them. These were her only friends, although she felt that she should have made more friends instead of always hanging out with Sheila only. She hugged them and they set off to class before the bell caught them in the wrong place.

"Hey, Marcus. Why did we lie about us investigating to Stevens?" Jeff asked.

"Honestly, I still don't trust him. He makes my hair rise whenever I'm around him," Marcus answered.

"Are you sure he isn't turning you on," Jeff joked.

"You think I'm like you and Luis? Some two lovebirds who obviously like each other but are afraid to tell each other," Marcus retorted.

"At least we know we like each other?" Luis appeared, astonishing the three and making Jeff lose his balance. "Have you seen you and Michelle? You're literally running a jealousy train that keeps on going even when the coal is over."

He started laughing and Jeff joined him. Marcus and Michelle looked away, each embarrassed but flushing deep shades of red on their cheeks.

"Do you believe Redhound's story?" Michelle quickly changed the subject.

"We keep hearing different versions of each story until at this point I can't decide who is innocent and who is to blame," Jeff remarked.

"Are we even going to really find out who killed her?" Luis asked, his shoulders drooping. "Or whether her death is connected to this fucking necklace?"

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