50. Blueprints & Death Prints

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If you're going out, never go alone- you leave yourself vulnerable.

~Daniel Radcliffe


"Here are all the things you asked for," Calvin told Marcus, placing the stuff on the table.

The squad was at Old Bob's Abandoned Garage. Marcus had requested Calvin to print the blueprints of Arabella Academy, his aim to try and locate the dungeons. The six of them surrounded the table at the semi-trailer, trying to locate the possible places where the so-called dungeons could be.

Marcus was acting restless. He was pacing up and down the cabin, fidgeting. He kept urging the others to look closely at the blueprints, stating that time was of the essence. However, it was as clear as day that his mind was not in the garage, perhaps wondering far away. Jeff finally got tired of Marcus' uneasiness and addressed it in front of the others.

"Enough Marcus. What is it that's getting you worried? And don't get us started on how you didn't tell us what happened yesterday with the old man," Jeff complained.

"Yeah, Marcus. What the hell happened yesterday? Did you find William's child?" Michelle asked, as curious as the others. Marcus looked at them apprehensively, as if he wanted to tell them but was afraid to tell them.

"I'll tell you guys later, but for now we need to do everything in our power to find that necklace. Our lives may as well depend on it," Marcus explained. Michelle approached him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Marcus, you need to calm down," she spoke. "Now, tell us what happened yesterday, and why you are suddenly in this mad rush to find the necklace."

Marcus sighed and moved to the table, supporting himself on it. The atmosphere suddenly became very quiet, each one suddenly interested in what he was about to say.

"Everything went fine yesterday at the orphanage, that is, until we got to Mother Superior's office," Marcus began.

"What happened?" Maxwell questioned.

"We inquired about William's child, and we finally got what we were looking for," Marcus answered.

"Who is he? Do we know him?" Luis inquired. Marcus kept his gaze at them.

"Yes, you do," he answered, his answer sending waves of shock through everyone's spines.

"William's child was born on the thirteenth of March in the year nineteen eighty-six, the exact day my mother was born," he revealed. The faces on each of the other five were worth dying for. Shocked could not even describe what they were feeling.

"Do you mean...William... the school's principal... our school principal... is your grandfather?" Jeff asked, petrified. Marcus sighed at him.

"No, William's not my grandfather," Marcus said, now causing confusion.

"Wait. Didn't you just say that your mother was born on that exact same date?" Calvin asked, perplexed.

"Yes, but I didn't say that she was William's child," Marcus clarified.

"But why would you tell us that we know his child if it isn't her?" Jeff questioned.

"That night there were two kids admitted into the orphanage. One was left at the gates while the other was brought in from the hospital. My mother was the one left at the gates," replied Marcus.

"So who's the other one? And where do we know him from?" the questions were now getting endless.

Marcus took a deep breath.

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