Chapter 19 'I knew you missed me..."

Start from the beginning

I wake up and look at my clock on the nightstand. 5:13 pm...oh crap I've been sleeping all day. I need to get to Trip's house, he'll be home soon. I go to move but can't because there is an arm wrapped around my stomach. Not realizing who it was I snuggled up thinking it was Trip.

"Mmmm, I knew you missed me." his voice was like venom in my ears as he brings a hand up to my throat. I quickly try to jump up away from him but his grip is too tight.

"Let go of me, Brandon!" I say with hate and anger clear in my voice.

"Oh, but, Sunshine I came all this way to see you so I am going to get what I came for." he said to me while tightening his grip, if that's even possible.

"Don't call me that." He was almost cutting off my air making it hard to breath. In a panic I force my head back as hard as I can causing his nose to crack and him scream in pain.

"Ahhh, YOU BITCH!" he lets go of me to grab his face so I quickly get away from him and run to the living room to leave.

"I don't think so." he grabs my hair pulling me forcefully, dragging me behind him.

"Ahh!" I grab his hand on my head "Let go, you're hurting me, Brandon!" I yell at him trying to get him to let go.

"No, I told you I came here for a reason and I'm not leaving without it." he starts to drag me back to the bedroom but I get his grip from my hair to loosen and I don't care how much hair he ripped out.

I twisted and turned around to kick him in the inner left thigh as hard as I could and ran to my purse. I grabbed it, ran out the door and to my car as fast as I could.

I get a few blocks away from Trips house when I feel myself going into a panic attack so I pull over and turn off my car. I start to breath in my nose, out my mouth, over and over.

I try to take my mind to happy places like Trip and the last fews weeks we've had together until suddenly everything starts to go black and I lose all control as my body tenses up.

I get home and notice Kenzie's car isn't in the driveway. I think it's odd since she never answered my text when I said I was on my way. I figured she was just asleep or something but I don't like this at all.

I walk in the house just to make sure she is indeed not here. I hollar all throughout the house looking in every room and she's not here. I run out to my truck and roar it back to life quickly and speed down the road to her house knowing it was the last place she said she'd be.

I'm a few blocks away from my house when I see her car pulled over on the side of the road. Weird, this wasn't here on my way by, she must've been close behind me and needed to pull over.

I drive past her car notices something isn't right then flip around to park behind her. I get down from my truck and run to hers to see if she's ok. I notice she is locked up in a panic attack so I call 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" the dispatcher says

"Yes, my name is Trip Alexander. I found my girlfriend MacKenzie Sinclair pulled over on the side of the highway on my way home just now. She seems to be in the middle of a panic attack. I need help, please!" I tell her desperately

"Ok, sir, can you please tell me where you are located?" I tell her my address and that we're only a few blocks away on the side of the road.

"Ok, sir, help is on the way. Can you tell me if she is in a full panic attack or in the beginning of one?" I look and she seems to be locked up and shaking.

"Yes ma'am. She is in a full panic attack." I say quickly and frantically

"Ok, first you need to calm down, sir. Is she sitting up in her seat or do you have her laying down?"

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