Chapter 19 'I knew you missed me..."

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It's been a couple weeks since Trip went back to work. To say that I miss him being with me everyday is understatement. I get bored most of the time, I've had Ashton bring me lunch on days he can't make it.

I told her she needs to come over and swim with me before it gets too cold. Summer is over and fall is starting to show its face. I love sweater weather and bonfires as much as the next person but I don't like cold weather so I'm not looking forward to cold nights and I always dread winter weather.

I have found ways to keep myself from getting too stressed from not working. I told the girls I'd do inventory from home while they did everything in the store that needs to be done.

Even if all I do is inventory for now at least I feel like I'm useful in some way to them, I don't like being stuck at home. The last few weeks have been great, I get up with Trip in the morning, we eat breakfast, work out together, we shower (separately of course), he gets ready for work then leaves.

I find different things to keep me busy so I'm not just watching tv most of the day.

Since inventory is the only thing I can do now I've let them know I'll be doing it twice a week now, Mondays and Thursdays. I need something to keep me busy so I want to do it twice a week to spread out my work. They are all fine with it as long as I don't feel too overworked.

Since today is Thursday I plan on doing work I just want to swim a little first. I wait for Trip to leave and I run upstairs to change. I walk to my dresser to grab my black bikini then run to the bathroom because I need to go pee before I change.

I sit on the toilet and instantly yell.

"What the hell, are you kidding me?!?!" I'm pissed, I just started. Oh, well, I guess it was coming around sooner or later. At least he'll be gone all day so I can just lay on the couch in misery until he gets home. I might text him to let him know I'm going to run home to get a few things.

Me- 9:35
Hey, babe, I'm going to my apartment to get a few things. I should be back when you get home.

Stud- 9:36
Ok, baby doll. Just be careful please.

Me- 9:37
I to you later. ;)

Stud- 9:38
Let me know when you make it back home safe. Talk to you later. ;-*

I smile at the kissy face he sent me and send one back.

I finally get home, my home I haven't been to in a month and suddenly get the same feeling I had been getting before I met Trip. I quickly unlock my door to walk in and step on something.

Ok I step on a lot of things, there are papers in front of my door. I pick one up and recognize the handwriting, I drop the paper then suddenly pick it up because I want to know what it says.


I've called and you didn't answer so I thought I'd come see you. I checked work and they all tell me to leave you alone and won't tell me where you are. I need to see you! I need to hold you! I miss you so much it hurts, Kenz. Being without you has been torture. Please call me back, text me or anything at all. I need to hear from you, I need to hear you still love me!
Love, B

There are other notes, they mostly say the same thing just in different ways. He must have been coming by the whole month I've been gone. I don't really care though, I take all the notes and throw them in the trash.

I don't want to give him the satisfaction of replying to him in any way. I won't even tell Trip about this, I'll just forget about it and act like it never happened. I get to my bedroom and lay down on my bed that I've missed so it doesn't take long before I drift off.

Her SunshineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon