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requested by xXsM01Tr4ShC4nXx
i will be doing the other requests!

      “brrr, pretty cold- i should have
      bought a jacket.“ she muttered to
      herself, quickly rushing to the
      nearst shop, and pulling out their
      phone and calling their roommate,
      george. sure, he'd lecture her- like
      a mom. but hey, free ride! the
      female had forgotten to order their
      uber and had been waiting for a
      while  like an idiot they where,
      they've been standing in the same
      spot, in the rain, for 10 minutes.
      being completely drenched in the
      tears of the clouds as they wept
      ever since she'd landed, having she
      hadn't left the airport she wouldn't
      be as cold and wet by the rain as
      she is now. sighing, and gathering
      the courage to text her friend to
      admit her stupidity, she knew she
      was going to get and earful.


𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙮 𝙜𝙤𝙜𝙜𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙣🙉👁

12: 30 am

hey george- i lowkey
forgot my jacket and
my uber hasn't came
yet so pls help
sent 12: 31am, seen.

i- uh, ok. where are
you rn??
sent 12: 33am,

xxxx st, uh the place
near samurai-O's or
whatever it's called
sent 12: 34am, seen.

ugh, you're lucky
we're friends. it's
so late- but alr
i'll be there in a
sent 12: 36am, seen.

sent 12: 41am, not seen.

      the female stood idle, cautiously
      glancing up from her phone every
      few minutes to make sure
      someone creepy wasn't stalking
      closer to her, and seeing where
      george was. the rain was still hittin
      heavy, and she was still wet. the
      street water had raised a little off
      the ground and looked like it was
      going to flood. sighing in
      annoyance, she hadn't wanted to
      text her friend, i mean, it was
      flooding a little. the water plus
      traffic that may have been
      happening, she couldn't help but
      feel bad. george had worked
      monday's through friday,
      happened to stream everyday for
      atleast 8 hours or less, and
      basically had to take care of her,
      the forgetful airhead that
      happened to be his roommate.

      okay, maybe i am making it seem
      like I'm an idiot- kinda i was but
      eh. the female looked up, hearing
      the sound of tires running through
      the water and a screaching halt.
      there was her friend, a very
      unimpressed expression crossed
      his face as he starred at the,
      female. rolling down the window
      he yelled. “come on! youre wet and
      it's cold out there.“ the female
      couldn't help but give a small smile
      as she got closer to the car, hualing
      her luggage into the backseat and
      hopping upfront. the was very
      awkward silence' till george spoke

      “you, idiot.“ he said, jokingly.
      glancing at the female before
      pulling off. “aha- sorry for making
      you come out this late, my brain
      was on five percent after that nap
      on the plane.“ she said, shifting in
      the seat as she buckled her
      seatbelt. “it's good. but you, are
      not.“ he said, turning on the heat
      as the both sat in silence again.
      “how long where you out in the
      rain?“ george questioned. giving
      the female a side glance before
      focusing onto the road once more.
      “ten minutes maybe- i dunno, m'
      wasn't out there long though.“
      she'd say, turning on the radio. “if
      traffic isn't bad we could probably
      get home faster so you can change
      your clothing.“ george said with a
      hum. nodding in agreement, you
      both sat in silence once more, as
      the car got closer to the destination
      they both wanted to see.

      “hey, y.n?“ george said loudly.
      "yeah?" the girl questioned,
      wondering what he was on about.
      “you're gonna clean my car
      tomorrow.“ george stated plainly,
      pulling up to their flat that they

      "i know."


      “i told you that you'd get sick!“
      george yelled as he placed a cold
      rag onto your forehead. “no you
      didn't! and i kinda expected it- but
      i didnt know it would be this bad!“
      the girl yelled back as she leaned
      into the bed. “don't you have a
      steam later? your stans are gonna
      wonder where you went if they
      don't get their daily douce of
      babying you-“ the female
      muttered, shifting her head to the 
      side to get a better look at the
      male. “they can wait, you're sick
      and you mean more to me.
      istillcareaboutmyfans but..“ George
      slowly drifted off his sentence, not
      finishing it.

      “but...?“ the girl said, trying to  
      kohorst the male to finish his  
      sentence. “hmfp! fine, i'll admit it. i
      love you more, okay?“ george said
      timidly, turning his head away.
      “awh.. i love you too! cough
      shorttsundere cough.“ george
      turned his head again, sighing and
      turning away to go get more
      medicine. “stupid weeb stuff i
      don't understand.“ george
      grumbled as he walked out the
      room. a small smile growning on
      the females face as she watched.


    aaa sorry, not the best with fluff n'
    stuff. sorry if you're tired of seeing
    'female' and 'male'  a lot- i try to
    avoid using y.n as much because
    many people complained it
    interrupted their reading.♡ ohyeah
    i am still doing the other requests!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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