Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

Khushi sat down on her big chair as soon as Payal was led out of her office. She wasn't hurt. She didn't even though about Payal anymore. All she wanted was to know whether Arnav was okay, or not. Rubbing her face with both hands, she was tempted to call Akash again. But, at the same time Khushi knew Akash would come to her as soon as he finds out more.

The uncertainty was killing her. Where was Arnav and why didn't he pick up Akash's calls? The temptation to call Akash was too strong to resist, so that she took the phone and called him.

Just at that moment it rang, Akash walked through the door. Not waiting for her to ask any question he answered.

>>I am sorry. I still don't have any news to share with you.<<


The day was awful. More than awful. It was just too exhausting to do what Arnav did today but it was also needful. He was finally back in his room. It was dark outside and he was nearly out whole day. He took badly needed shower and sat down on the bed. It was nearly eight o'clock in the evening and the news were about to start. Was he excited? No. He just wanted to see the fruits of his hard work. He just wanted to see their destruction, which was about to begin. He wanted to see them suffer. He wanted them to suffer the same way she had suffered.

The program started and he was looking concentrated when his phone rang.

The phone that he had left today at home before he met with the person who was powerful enough, but at the same time honest and good hearted to help him to do what he was about to do. Without that person, his own plan wouldn't have worked. He met him at one of the parties a long time ago and he was a young guy who was just about to start his career. Usually ASR didn't like giving interviews, but this young guy was ready to do everything for a chance to talk to him. Arnav tested him and the guy conveyed his words exactly, just like he spoke them out. Nothing more, nothing less and that was what Arnav liked about him.

In the moment he gave this guy all information from NK's computer in form of a CD, he wanted to watch them immediately. Arnav didn't want to be there, when he watched how all those young girls were raped. Children molested and sold to customers. There were not only names of victims in the computer, but also all people who were involved into human trafficking, including customers.

All in all, India should be prepared for a very big scandal, because some policemen and politicians were involved too into this horrible crime. At first, he thought of calling the police or someone from the government, but as soon as he read all those names, he knew all of these were too big and evidence would disappear in some hidden drawers, while victims would never get the help and justice they need. Arnav knew he needed to be careful and first inform public before doing something else. Because only then, this case of human trafficking and sex trade could be stopped.

He read the name on his phone and his forehead got wrinkled.

>>Hello, Arnav?<<


>>Damn man, where were you?<<

>>I had things to do. What can do for you Akash?<<

>>We were concerned. We thought something happened to you.

Khushi became scared after she discovered that thing in front of her door. She was like crazy. Then she asked me to call you and don't stop till I get to hear your voice and know you are ok.<<

Arnav's heart has been broken. Even though, he was far from Khushi, he managed to hurt her again.

>>I am fine, Akash. How is Khushi?<<

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