Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Mahendra Singh Raizada was one old, but still strong and proud man. The way he stood in front of the door, his legs firm on the ground, showed how much power he still wore inside him. He didn't look as he would back off and Anjali wasn't pleased to see him on the door.

He walked one step inside and Lavanya was still behind him looking at Anjali. Khushi could see everyone and all feelings in their faces.

>>You? What are you doing here, uncle?<<

His eyes traveled to Khushi and he answered Anjali's question.

>>I came for my daughter.<<

>>Did he send you?<<


Mahendra answered without hesitation and it was glass clear whom Anjali meant, when she mentioned the word he.

Anjali's uncle walked now fully inside and Lavanya walked to Khushi.

>>Khushi. I am so happy to see you again.<<

Khushi was happy to see her but she was just irritated that Lavanya was here. How did Lavanya knew where to find her? Was she here for Khushi or someone else? And who is the daughter of this old man?

Khushi's eyes moved to him and she saw his glance directed at her. He started to walk, his eyes never leaving her. They were observing and curious, but not unfriendly. He looked like a man who knew what he wanted and take it. Khushi wasn't scared, but she was careful when it came to new faces and also careful, when she sees, old faces from her past again.

There was always a risk to get hurt.


Anjali wasn't happy to see her uncle here. The things between them weren't the best anymore and she didn't like him around Khushi. She feared he would come for her and here he was, one day later, ready to snatch Khushi away.

For an outsider it's too difficult to understand their complicated relationship. After Anjali's mother suicide, Anjali and Arnav didn't want to have much contact to their father. They blamed him for their mother's loss and weren't ready to understand him.

It's sad but their own uncle. Their mother's own brother, showed this understanding for their father. It didn't go well with Anjali and Arnav. Anjali never forgave and married Shiyam as soon as possible, to become independent. She loved her husband but she needed to be able to leave uncle Mahendra. After a simple wedding, Anjali explained everything to Shiyam and amazing as her new husband was, he understood her. That was the reason she loved him so deeply. Then when she moved out and took Arnav with her, she could finally create a good life for her small family, without the ghosts of the past. Her uncle tried often to keep contact with them, but Anjali refused any of this.

She couldn't understand uncle Mahendra and his way of thinking. She couldn't understand how her own uncle, brother of her death mother, have any understanding for their cheating father.

Sadly, Arnav decided to rebuild some relationship with him.


Mahendra Singh Raizada looked at the girl who was now his new family member. His eyes run down to her stomach and looked at any traces of her pregnancy. Of course he knew it because his nephew told him everything on the phone.

Arnav told him about the pregnancy and what happened before she left him. Mahendra knew already what happened three years ago and he hoped for the future for them, but it seemed the destiny wasn't kind to this two.

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