~Chapter 17~

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As the Rich Jewels Finished, They went off the Stage Proudly

They Went by Poppy and Her Gang

Emerald Went next to Poppy and Stroked Her chin Teasingly

"Hehe, Guess You Should Expect the Unexpected!"

Barb Stopped Emerald
"Hey! Stay away From my Bestie, Snackbutt!"

Emerald Scoffed and Left them alone

"Thanks Barb!"
Poppy Said

"Hey Anytime! Now Let's get to that Stage and Show them What In the Name of Nigga's We were Made for!"
Barb Cracked her Knuckles

The Trollipops Cheered

They began to go infront

Ava was about to Follow

Until she saw Cooper Also in the Backstage, Carrying a Box Of Flashlights

She Went to him
"Uhm, hey Cooper!"

Cooper Saw her
"Uhh Hey Ava! Why aren't you at stage yet?"

"I was just wondering, why you got a Box Of Flashlights?"
Ava Questioned

Cooper Explained while he Held The Box
"Well, I was thinking, Of how you sang that song at the Riff-Off and I was Wondering If these Could Help you out in-"

But He Didn't Continue

Because Ava Pulled Him in For A Quick kiss in the Lips

"I knew what those Were for"
She Pulled away

Cooper Chuckled Nervously

Poppy Was Leaning On the Wall the Whole time

"Ava? You ready??"
she asked

Ava Got Startled and Cleared her Throat
"Yep! Can't Wait Any Longer!"

She Followed Poppy to the Front stage While Glancing At Cooper

Cooper Slowly felt his Lips

He gasped


Toby and Jack soon Annoucned The Trollipops On stage

Jack announced
"Alright Everyone, Here is Our favorite Lady Group, Hottest of the Hot, Girliest of the Girly-"

Barb Yelled

"Right, Right, Whatever, Let's just Begin With...........THE TROLLIPOPS!!"
Toby Shouted

The whole Village Clapped and Cheered 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

The Trollipops all walked Up to the Dark stage

Poppy, Who was in the Middle Started their Song by Slow Clapping

Poppy, Who was in the Middle Started their Song by Slow Clapping

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