Quick Little Photo Shoot

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Y/n P.O.V

You, the boys and Zach all decided to head to p/n (place name) for a quick little photo shoot. You guys got to the place and decided that the boys should do their photos first and after about twenty minutes of them goofing around and Zach trying to get them to stand still they decided to stand still and take their pictures. When the last picture was done Tristan called you over and you and the boys started taking pictures together funny ones and weird ones mainly cause you couldn't stop laughing and Chris and Tyler who kept "fighting" with each other. After a while the pictures were done and Tristan came up to you "Soooo y/n did you enjoy the photo shoot with us?" he asked starting to walk and you followed "Yeah I did, it was actually a lot more fun than I expected it to be if I'm honest here" you said with a giggle and T smiled at you "So uhm I was wondering if you would uh like to go one a date with me tomorrow night around 6pm?" he asked staring at you and you stood there shocked not knowing what to say "Uhmmm Y/n say something please" he said all nervous and you looked at him and smiled "Of course I would T" you said with a big smile and you watch his nervous face light up with the biggest smile ever "Yayyy" he said pulling you in for a hug and you guys stayed like that for a while till Zach called you guys to go back home. You pulled into the car and you sat inbetween Chris and Tristan and Chris tapped you on you're shoulder "He's liked you since the first day he met you like 4 years ago" Chris whispered and I smiled at him "So have I Chris so have I" you whispered back and Chris just smiled and nugded you making you giggle. You put you're head on Tristans shoulder and he held you're hand all the way back home.

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