Prologue Pt. 2: Germany, Years After

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Germany – 2 Years Ago


Your class has just arrived in Germany for a school trip. You loved school trips, mainly because you get to travel, plus it was always fun to be anywhere else but school. The airplane ride was shockingly long, taking about 8 hours of your life that you can never get back and the jetlag was almost unbearable but you didn’t care. You’ve always wanted to visit Germany. Of course once you’ve stepped foot in the airport your class were put in different groups and the teacher in charge had to take your attendances. “Hey, where are we going after this?” You asked your friend. “I don’t know, I heard we’re going on a train to whatever place we’ve decided to stay in”. Since all the affordable hotels were all booked, your school had to settle with home-stay, meaning that the students are going to live with actual German citizens. You didn’t mind though, at least we got a place to stay, but a hotel would’ve been nice, you thought to yourself.

-time skip to the train ride-

You were reading some light reading in the train. Your friend from earlier, Levi, who was sitting in front of you, was reading an English translated German newspaper while Erwin, who was sitting next to Levi appears to be either sleeping or looking outside, it was hard to tell since he was using his black sunglasses. The train ride was rather quiet, despite the dull noise of chitchatting going on in the back ground, you find it kind of soothing. Your eyes fluttered shut and as your eyes closed, you dreamed of nothing. The train ride was soon followed by a bus ride to get to the town where the houses are. In the bus, you sat alone. Levi was sitting in front of you, again, with, and next to, Erwin. You couldn’t see what they’re doing, and you didn’t feel like talking to anyone. So you decided to continue the book you read in the train before you fell asleep. The book that you were reading was a collection of poems by several poets. You weren’t that big of a fan of poetry but you were bored so you decided why not, besides, a friend had lent it to you, claiming that some of the poems are ‘pure gold’.

 As your eyelids grew heavier and heavier, the words in your book has gotten blurry and your eyes had taken on a momentarily rest. Suddenly, the bus had come to a sudden halt. You were awaken by the girlish screams of girls who are trying to get attention from the opposite sex, thinking that making useless bat-like screeches will somehow attract boys. “Tch, what a bunch of stupid brats” You can hear Levi mutter quietly under his breath, his face showed the unmistaken expression of irritation, but again that was his usual expression. His friend, Erwin, sighed. “Okay everyone, calm down, it was probably nothing. Just be quiet, you’d make situations worse by screaming. The least thing we need right now is people going full on panic mode” Erwin reassured. Erwin, who was a model student and group leader, went outside to check what was the problem. Minutes pass, and soon it was almost reaching one hour. “God, what’s taking him so long?” Mr. Dietrich snarled quietly, “Someone go check on him,” when no one volunteered, Mr. Dietrich went even more annoyed. “You,” he said, while pointing your way, “(y/n) go check on Smith and see how’s he doing” the older man ordered. Without asking any questions, you went down to where Erwin was. He, and the driver, appeared to be fixing a tire. “So, what’s the problem?” You said, casually. Erwin sighed, “nothing, just another case of a flat tire that’s all.” You nodded and went back to the bus. “Just a flat tire”, you announced. You can hear the chorus of people sighing, groaning and their eyeballs rolling. You didn’t care; you just wanted to get this over with. “Well how long is he gonna take?” Mr. Dietrich asked yet again. With no questions asked, you went out to ask Erwin and the driver, again. “Hey Erwin, is this gonna take a long time?” “Nah, we’re just about done. About 10 to 15 minutes tops” He replied, not making eye contact as his eyes were glued to the tire that he was fixing. You looked back and saw a couple of girls looking at Erwin dreamily from the window. You shrugged it off and went back to the bus. “So?” Mr. Dietrich inquired while raising an eyebrow. You sigh, “15 minutes tops, so wait patiently. I’m going to go get some fresh air” you say while heading out, for the third time. You had no interested in staying inside the bus, and you did want to get some fresh air. You looked around the patches of soft green grass that surrounds you and your broken bus. It’s beautiful, I bet it’s soft to touch too, you thought. You imagined yourself running around the soft green fields with no care in the world whatsoever. Your thoughts were soon ruined by Erwin’s voice. “Did you know that this area used to be a battlefield during the World War 2?” Erwin indicated. “Really?” you asked in a monotone voice. “Yeah, people died here. Funny how a place this beautiful could have a gruesome history” He brought forth. The three of you grew silent, again. “Ach! Finally!” The driver chirped his voice was thick with German accent. Not that you could blame him of course, he is a German citizen. “Is that it?” You asked, your eyes traveled to the tire then the two men that were working on it before. “Yes of course, I deeply apologize for the inconvenience the bus has caused” the driver said, you were surprised his English was quite good. You looked around you one last time, and were about to go up when you felt a chill run down your spine. It wasn’t like a regular, ‘oh I'm so cold’ chill, but it really did send your hairs up. Your actions of course, didn’t go unnoticed by Erwin. “You okay?” he asked, raising one of his bushy eyebrows. You nodded, saying nothing as you go up the bus and sat at your seat behind Erwin’s. The chill you felt was completely random, but you didn’t give it much thought. During the whole ride, you felt like someone was staring at you, looking at you and observing you the whole time. This is stupid, I'm probably being paranoid again. Looks like I’ve watched too much horror movies, you sighed internally and went back to reading your poems.

 During your whole trip, you kept on feeling like someone’s watching you. You felt really paranoid, but it may be because it’s your first time being far away from home. For some reasons, you’ve been having trouble sleeping and the room temperature appears to be slightly colder than usual. You’d feel random blows of winds in your uncover feet, but it would stop once you put your feet under your blanket. You haven’t dreamt in a long time, but for some reasons you’ve been having a strange dream. You’d find yourself in a field filled with boys the same age as you and older, and all of them were attacking one another. They were all wearing army uniforms and were holding riffles in their arms. They all were shooting at each other wildly. Panic and confusion filled your mind as you run around aimlessly, trying to survive the bullet rainstorm. You felt like crying, but your tears won’t fall down. You were scared, and confused and lonely. Then you felt pain on your chest. Your arm reached the center of the pain and felt blood seeping through. It was like you’ve zoned out of the battlefield, everything else, the screams, cries and gunshots were like white noise off a radio. The whole field was filled with blood, death and sweat. Your vision becomes blurry and everything else goes black, the last thing you saw was how the skies had painted itself dark blue with greyish hues, signaling that it was going to rain soon. The dream seemed so vivid, so real, you’d wake up panting and drenched in cold sweat sometimes. Your hand would go up to reach your chest, checking for proof that it was all just a dream. No blood came seeping through your shirt, only the drumming sound of your pacing heartbeat. Your lungs still fill and deflate, your body dowsed in sweat instead of blood and the realization that it was all just a dream would come into you. Sometimes, you'd be glad that it's over and try to get back to sleep. But sometimes, you can't get back to sleep for fear that you'd have the same dream and something else entirely..

Tbc.. So this chapter is kind of like a second prologue. The next chapter will be set on present day. Thanks for reading, I know the story sucked so far but I promise it’ll get better soon. I’d really appreciate it if you guys would comment. I promise I’ll update soon :)

Break The Walls (Ghost!Armin x Reader AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن