I fixed 7x13 but couldn't fix my own broken heart

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"Clarke," Bellamy's voice broke. He could see the fear in Clarke's eyes. She didn't want to do this.

"Madi isn't in danger." He tried to reassure her.

"I'll make sure of that."

Clarke had a hard time believing that. Last time Bellamy had promised to protect Madi he put the flame in her head.

Clarke had to stop the little voice in the back of her head from telling he that he had done that to save her too. Maybe this time was no different.

"They will kill her to get what they want and you know it." Clarke wagered.

"I won't let that happen."

Bellamy was crying now.

"I am trying to save us all." He whimpered.

"I'll kill Cadogan, is that what you want?" Clarke was desperate. She knew if that book fell into Cadogan's hands he'd stop at nothing to get Madi. He'd put her in the MCAP and she'd fight. He'd kill her.

"Give it to me!" Clarke was losing it now.

She shot at the two men, killing one.

"Clarke, this isn't about Cadogan." Bellamy tried to reason.

He had never seem Clarke this scared.

"It's bigger than any of us."

He wished more than anything that she would believe him.

The more she denied him the stronger the pull was to abandon ship. To take her into his arms and apologise for being an idiot.

But he had seen his mother. He had seen the light. He couldn't turn his back on that.

"Don't make me do this." She begged.

"You're not gunna shoot me, Clarke." Bellamy dared.

He remembered the bunker. He remembered Clarke risking the fate of the human race for him.

She would never hurt him.

"Bellamy, please." Clarke was crying now, tears streaming down her face as she actually considered shooting her best friend. The man she- loved.

"Clarke, this is how we do better." He tried.

"No. No don't use Monty's words like that. He wouldn't have wanted this, you betraying your family." Clarke spit back.

"Clarke, I'm trying to save you. I..." tears stung Bellamy's throat.

He needed to say it. If she was going to kill him- if he was going to die- he needed to say it.

"It's always been about saving you. I- love you." He admitted.

"What did you just say?" Clarke gasped.

"I love you." Bellamy repeated, the book slipping from his fingers.

Clarke moved toward him then, rushing into his arms, pulling him to herself desperately.

Their lips were on one another's then. Centuries of love written in their kiss.

Bellamy felt like he could breathe again. Screw Cadogan, screw the last war, screw selfless love. He loved Clarke Griffin. She was all he needed to be happy.

"I love you too." Clarke gasped, as she pulled away from him.

Her Bellamy was back.

There was movement beside them then, a disciple gunning for the book.

Clarke held her gun up, still in Bellamy's arms.

"Don't move!" Bellamy shouted, leaning down and picking up the book.

He placed it in Clarke's free hand.

"Let's get out of here." He said, looking deeply into her eyes.

God he had been so stupid.

Love was necessary, it was the thing that made life worth living. That made people worth fighting for. He would fight for Clarke Griffin forever, until his dying breath.

Clarke smiled up at him, touching the side of his face and pressing a gentle kiss on his lips.

She knew she would never get tired of that feeling.

"Together?" She asked, remedying her words from before.

Bellamy smiled widely, moving towards the Anomaly. Whatever happened next, he would be by her side.



Wow I'm sobbing.

No joke I genuinely cannot believe 7x13

I cannot believe this is how my favourite show is going to end. And 7x14 just made it so much worse 😭

I'm thinking this might be my last update. Feels a bit definite now that Bellamy won't be coming back. Let me know what y'all think?

This update is dedicated to lov3ly365 , thank you for the support x

As always thanks for all the reads, votes and comments x

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