Eddie crossed his arms and huffed. "I don't remember signing a contract."

"Putting my dick in your mouth pretty much sealed the deal-"

"Richie!" Eddie threw his hands up in the air and shook his head at him. "Jesus Christ man, this is my actual life! Not fucking Keeping Up With the Kaspbraks!" He didn't want to make Richie think it was his fault, because he was right. Eddie did sign up for this. He knew that being with Richie Tozier, no matter how much he loved him, brought on plenty of challenges. One of them was the added pressure when dealing with Myra.

"So you and the comedian." She asked him out of nowhere one evening while waiting for their lawyer to join the call. Eddie, despite how much he'd planned for the meeting, did not plan for this conversation.

"Um... I- we-"

"How long Eddie?" She asked, the calmness of her voice making him shiver. "How long have you liked men?" He didn't answer her at first, mainly out of uncomfortability, but also because he didn't know how to even begin. Where to start.

"I didn't cheat on you." He blurted, scolding himself immediately after. They'd agreed on a peaceful divorce with a mediator, with her taking the house and Eddie getting to avoid being bled dry. Cheating allegations and "proof" could ruin everything. Proof like him being seen with Richie in Derry. And even though he knew he was innocent, Eddie looked very guilty.

He crashed their car and flew out of state with hardly any notice, keeping Myra in the dark for weeks. And when he finally did reach her, he asked for a divorce. And he was now in a relationship with the very man he was in the hospital with. He looked guilty. And like an asshole.

He thought she would laugh at his response, laugh at how ridiculous he sounded. Maybe she'd even pity him, try to explain how he just couldn't posssibly be a queer. He thought she would bring up the accusation and threaten to go through with it unless he crawled back to her.

But the strangest thing happened.

"I believe you." She said without any vice or hesitation in her voice, and she didn't bring it up again once the meeting got started. When Eddie got off the call his legs were jelly, and Richie had a hard time believing him when he told him what happened.

"It's not all bad." Richie reminded him with a kiss to his temple. "People love you. Also, Keeping Up With the Kaspbraks? I'd watch the shit out of that."

"Mm, fine." Eddie smirked, leaning into him. "Maybe there are some good things about dealing with you."

Richie pulled him even closer, rubbing his shoulder lovingly. "Soooo, you wanna go 'sign another contract' if you catch my drift?"

"I take it back." Eddie laughed, shoving him away. "There's nothing redeeming about you."

"So is that a no?"

Eddie glared at him for as long as he could before cracking into a smile. He nodded towards their bedroom and watched in a mixture of adoration and amusement as Richie sprinted past him with the enthusiasm of a Golden Retriever. Never a dull moment.

Eddie was scheduled to start working a week or two into January, planning accordingly so he would have enough time to celebrate Bill's birthday on the fourth without having to call out of work. The Losers decided that they'd make the trip to Florida to join Bill and Mike, planning for a night out on the town and a day dedicated to DisneyWorld. Between Richie and Eddie, they had a lot to do so they could only stay for half of the week, which was mirrored by Ben and Bev, who had a lot of errands for their upcoming wedding.

It didn't change the fact that they all were antsy to leave the past behind them and celebrate a fresh new year. Celebrating Bill Denbrough was a good place to start. The flight for Ben and Beverly was only about three hours from Chicago, and almost five for Richie and Eddie from LA. The view on the plane wasn't as peaceful and pretty as the one to Hawaii was, but both Richie and Eddie were able to nap.

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