Chapter 8

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SJ's pov*

I was currently at the counter when Tae said he needed to use the restroom and went off, I was looking at the Namjoon guy who was sitting with another small cute male...what were their relationship? Were they boyfriends? Is he gay? I watched how his dimples deepened as he smiled with the other. I felt weird inside as I saw them but why? Those dimples were preddy for a man who gives off dominant auras he had those cute dimples to probably fool people into thinking he's a nice guy...yes I just called myself a fool indirectly.
A few minutes later Tae came back and joined me

"You took a while, were you jerking off?"

"Maybe, why? You wanted to join?"

"I'd rather take my nagging old self and jump off a cliff"

"You're only 25 you know"

"Hobi calls me old soo..."

We turned our direction to the door when the bell rang and saw three boys leaving, but before the door closed the small cute guy that looks like a bunny turned his head looking at us and then frowned into a confused look but before I asked I turned to Tae and caught him smirking, it was Tae it was fucking Tae...what'd he do? I asked myself...sighs

"Tae?, what-"  Before I could continue I was cut off by the manager

"Guys?, we're closing early go get some fun" she said

"But why?" Tae asked earning a smack behind his head from me

"Did you guys fight again?" I asked hearing an Ohhh and seeing a visible 'O' shape on Tae's face

"Yeah, we're gonna talk things out go home" she said turn around, waving her small hand up and walking away.

"What an idiot he really dosen't know what a good of a woman he has" he said bending over on the counter with his chin in his palms "he really is an idiot" he repeated

"What would you know? all you do is fuck around spreading STDs. I wonder what you'd do when you actually fall in love"

"Love? Me?...let's go to the movies!" he exclaimed changing the topic I wanted to bring up that bunny guy but decided to drop it.

"Let's take Hobi, I'll call him"

After closing the cafe we went to a movie theater that was nearby and messaged Hoseok where we were. Whilst waiting we bought three tickets to watch 'The Transformers'.

"Jinnie Hyung over here!" The dark brown haired, heart shaped lip boy yelled waving his hand at us then came running

"Ahh Teahyung-ahh, it's been a while"

"Yeah it has, how's your dancing coming along?"

"It's going good nothing new or so"

"Ain't you fucking bitches so they can be taught for free?

"What you want me fucking around like you now? No thanks"

"What a wimp"

"Shouldn't you respect your hyung?"

"Yeah, yeah"

They were making conversation while we were walking to the food stalls to get ourselves food and drinks.

"Let's go!" My big ball of sunshine shouted...

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