He went on and on for what felt like hours before he was finally finished. I opened my eyes, and he was rubbing the back of his neck; he was clearly uncomfortable.

"So...do you think...you'd go on a date with me?" He asked.

"Awww..." a voice said behind us. I glanced behind Jayce and saw Blake standing there, with Alexis. His arm was still draped across her shoulder comfortably. This caused Jayce to glance back to.

"Shut up man." He said, smiling. But I knew Blake. I knew that, aww meant something dangerous. If not for Jayce, then for me.

"Jayce." I said, clearing my throat. "You're really sweet, and I'm really flattered. But I have a boyfriend. I wish I could, but I really can't."

"Oh!" He said. "I never see him around, I didn't know I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I reply. "He doesn't go to this school."

"Okay..." he whispered looking away.

"Don't get all weird on me though, we're still friends." I said, slugging his shoulder playfully.

"Yeah okay." He smiled back and walked away.

"Way to let him down easily girl." Alexis said, clapping softly.

"I do have a boyfriend." I said to her.

"Really, what's his name?" She asked.


"Angel, quit lying." Blake said, effectively cutting me off. "You know you're a sorry little virgin who's never even kissed a boy in her life." Now he was laughing at me, and Alexis giggled too.

"You know what...you're right Alexis. I don't have a boyfriend." I glared at Blake, hoping he knew exactly what I meant by that. Then I walked away from them to my third block class.


"Thanks for giving me a ride home. I just hate seeing Alexis and Blake giving so much pda all the time." I said to Candace.

"I'd hate it too. I hate being around couples." Candace said, while pulling into my driveway.

"Well." I said stepping out of her car. "Thanks again!" I said, then waved at her.

It was around six o'clock now, I didn't go straight home after school because I couldn't bare to see Blake's lying, deceitful, evil, annoying face. I walked into the house, slamming the door ready to face whatever he would do or say.

"Hello?" I called, once he didn't instantly respond by the door.

"I'm home..." I called out again.

I glanced over at the coffee table by the living room couch, where there was a small sticky note. I walked and grabbed it, and upon further observation I realize its from Peter.

I'm gone on business, should be back in five days. Left two credit cards in the kitchen drawer for food and what not.


So now, I had to be alone with Blake for the next five days? If someone would've said this two days ago, I would've been fine; perfectly happy even. But now, we aren't on good terms—and Blake is dangerous when we aren't on good terms.

I climbed the stairs to his room, determined to confront him about everything that happened today. His door was slightly cracked open. I pushed it even farther, stepping inside but then I saw the most disturbing sight.

Her eyes were closed while he had a hand on either side of her, pounding into her like an animal. The sheets covered their naked bodies for the most part, but I knew he was actually fucking her.

He hadn't even fucked me yet...

I was about a week away from being safe to have real sex, but now I couldn't even tell if I wanted it. I watched as her fingernails dug into his back, leaving red marks all against his smooth skin. It angered me the way she arched her back and moaned his name. The way he moaned back and whispered in her ear.

"Oh my goodness!" She cried. "I'm about to cum!" Her eyes squeezed shut even tighter, and her back arched even higher.

"Me too kitten. Fuck I'm going to cum too!"

Then I sat there and watched as they both reached their orgasm together.

I closed the door back stepping out before they saw me. I was filled with so many emotions, but mainly hate and anger, I wanted to murder someone. He actually...fucked her when he told me he wouldn't; he came inside of her, and most of all he called her kitten.

That was my nickname.

He's been calling me that since that fateful day at my mothers wedding. But apparently none of it meant much to him, apparently his commitment to me didn't mean...anything. I had tears streaming down my eyes by the time I made it to my room. I grabbed a bag and threw any article of clothing I could find inside of the bag, then grabbed my phone dialing Candace to come get me.

I waited in my room for fifteen minutes before she texted that she was here and that I could come outside. Right when I exited my room, I ran smack into Alexis and Blake. He took one look at my bag, and his expression changed drastically. Within seconds it changed from careless and partly sleepy, to panic mixed with anger.

Alexis was oblivious and clueless, and she was practically naked only wearing Blake's white tee shirt to cover her admittedly perfect curves.

"Oh, hey Angel. We didn't know you were here. Sorry if Blakey and I were loud." She smiled, then squeezed his cheek.

"Oh!" I said, overly chipper. "No, you guys are totally fine. I was actually just about to go stay with Candace for a few days. So you guys can have the house to yourself." I smiled sadly at her, not even looking at him.

"Ou! Goody. You hear that babe? Now I can scream as loud as I want." Then she nuzzled his ear with her nose.

"Alexis." He said lowly. "Can you wait in my room for a second, I want to talk to Angel..." he said, his eyes piercing me. I still wouldn't look at him though.


"Actually, don't worry about it. I really have to go. Bye guys!"

Then I turned and ran away.

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