Ch 6 & 7: The Riot in Chernobog

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He still pats Aesop's head to reassure the kid, "What are you even thinking? Your sister will always be your sister. She might be an infected but she still her. We just have to find her and bring her back, right."

When Lin Ye's hand pats Aesop with his head, Aesop can feel his heart calming down. He doesn't know why, but Lin Ye's words make him feel better about the situation.

Perhaps even more effective than what his parents said. He wipes his tears off and nods, "We are going to find big sis!"

This kid seems unstoppable when he recovers his passion. Family, I tell ya

But other than some reassuring words, Lin Ye has no single clue about where he should go to find her.

The government already took control of this region and every block is lined with riot police with shields. Whenever they go past the police, they are stopped to check for infection. Because of this, time will go to waste and the lesser the chance to find Elan.

"We already searched all the places we can think of." Lin Ye looks at Aesop, "Anywhere else? Can you think of another place your sister might be?"

Aesop just shakes his head.

Lin Ye is already fretful. More and more military police have come to order them to go back but he doesn't want to hand Elan over to the military police.

He has lived in this place for two years. He knows how the military police treat the Infected and they definitely won't be nicer just because Elan is a girl. She won't survive.

Think. Think again.

Lin Ye tries to calm down and think.

A teenage girl, after learning about her infection, would go where.


{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Shining looks at the dog crackers on the table and contemplates.

I have never tried them before. What do they taste like? That vet said they taste good. How about giving them a try? I already read the ingredients, and they are perfectly fine for human consumption.

But wouldn't that be weird? her conscience tries to point out.

Hmm, as long as no one knows. Just one. Just one. No one would know anyway. but one little demon at the back of her head tries to persuade her.

Shining picks up a cracker.

"A bite wouldn't hurt anyone, right?" she tries to defend herself.

But before she can bite it, the door suddenly burst open. She turns around and looks at what caused it. Needless to say, she is quite surprised when she sees who came in.

"Nearl? Why are you here?"

"I located your phone." Nearl walks inside and looks down at Shining, her golden ears shakes slightly. She sees Shining holding on to something.

"What are you doing?"

Shining looks at the cracker in her hand, "I was going to feed a dog."

Nearl frowns, "Where is that dog?"

"I do not know."

"... Whatever." Nearl sighs, "Honestly, bring another battery with you when you leave next time, okay. Alright, let's go back home."

Shining is a bit surprised, "You are here to escort me?"

"What else would I be here for?" Nearl says.

"We have to be quick. The Infected seem to be rioting and military police are everywhere. They almost found me. We need to hurry. Before they finish locking down the city, we have to go back to Rhodes Island."

Shining shakes her head, "I have to wait for Lin Ye."

"Lin Ye? That's the man you mentioned in your report?"


Nearl's expression darkens, "That's enough, Shining."


"Look at you." Nearls yells at her, "You are in some man's home."

"He's not some man." Shining corrects her "He's a doctor."


"There is no gender in the eyes of a doctor."

"Are you saying you are his patient?"

"If he goes to Rhodes Island, we will all be his patients."

Nearl has enough. She slams her shield on the ground, breaking the wood floor.

"Shining!" Nearl yells, "That's enough!"

Shining doesn't answer her. She just looks at Nearl's shield and says softly, "Nearl, your infection has gotten worse. In the past, you wouldn't get this angry so easily. Calm down. "

Nearls freezes up for a moment. Then, she takes a few deep breaths to calm herself down before speaking.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you but you are actually wrong this time, Shining."

"I can understand your worry, Nearl." Shining says, "I know your past. I know how much you hate those types of treatments..."

"That's why I know very clearly that there is no medication that can cure oripathy," Nearl says coldly, "Not even originium or sedatives."

Shining stands up and looks at Nearl in her eyes and says "I never said he can cure oripathy, but I feel that he can save you and you know if you continue down the road..."

"I know my own body, Shining." Nearl says, "I also know no hope for me. Even if there is one, it wouldn't come from a vet of all people."

Shining calmly responds, "Why not give it a try? If he can really help you, it doesn't really matter if he is a vet or not. Besides, Rhodes Island has never cared about what you are in the first place."

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Demosama 

Edit by Jaqqy10

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