Dear Diary,

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Today was the first day of school, To be honest I didn't like it. People questioned me about the gloves, But luckily I had Jennie and Lisa-
To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if they were to date.

You know Diary, recently someone catched my eye- No, Not Jennie. Hehe~ I guess we'll both find out together! I wonder if they'll like me back, They're nice and all but- I'm just scared.

I remember when I first met Lisa-

"Hey Chu!" Jennie jumped on her bed seeing She was writing on her desk, Jennie later there seeing the older just writing away.

"What brings you here Jendeukie?"

"I came to ask if you wanted to go to a party tonight!" Jennie beamed as Jisoo looked at her confused,


"Yeah! It'll be your first one and-"

"Jennie your 14, Besides party's being young aren't fun"

"Come on Chu! You're crush will be there!" Jennie winks as Jisoo blushed,


"I hate you" Jisoo mumbles as Jennie did drag her to the party, She sighs drinking the punch from her cup as it tasted horrible. She dumped the remaining liquid and snuck water into her cup, as She watched Everyone having a good time- Everyone but her.

"Jisoo isn't it?" The girl had light Brown and Her eyes a dark brown like Jisoo's,

"Yeah, Do I know you?"

"I'm Lisa" The Girl smiles.

"Nice... Bangs?"

"Hehe, Thank you!" Lisa laughs, "So Jisoo, What are you doing at someplace like here?""

"My friend" Lisa looked where the girl was pointing to, A girl with cat eyes that can kill you, A gummy smile that will melt you and-

"Chu! Oh Hi I'm Jennie!" She was Jennie.


You know, It's crazy to imagine someone like Jennie with Lisa. I never told anyone this- but I remember at that party the reason why I didn't want to stay was, because the boy that I liked was kissing another girl.

I don't really date as for I'm the one to get hurt, I keep people close but yet somehow I get hurt. I never been in a relationship or if it was real, At the time I even hurt myself.


Because Not only did I find the boy attractive but the girl too hell even Lisa for a second! But I'm not gay. I'm not gay, I'm just not!

Or am I?

Isn't wrong?

"Woah, You really went into it didn't you?" Rosé looked at Jisoo who watched behind her,

"I guess I did, Funny." Jisoo sighs as she raised up her sleeves, Rosé flipped to the next page as Jisoo reads-

Today I couldn't find my sleeves, they made me feel naked without them. I had a hoodie on as it was fall, Its very unlike me and disrespectful for me to lose such a thing. My gloves are the safest thing for me.

"I was right then" Jisoo snaps the glove as Rosé slightly flinched,

"The Gloves are a gift from Mother, They didn't fit perfectly nor now since I'm still young, But soon eventually." Jisoo read as Rosé gulped seeing the girl was right next to her face-

"I really changed" Rosé studied her for seconds that felt like minutes, Jisoo didn't show any emotion. She was in very different, very controlled?

"Yeah... I mean! It seems like it!"

"I suppose, Don't you have homework?" Jisoo glances at her as Rosé backed away very quickly-

"I forgot about that!" Jisoo watched as the blonde grabs her backpack and pulled out her books and all. Jisoo walked out seeing Mrs.Park cooking while Mr.Park was watching TV,

"Oh honey can you get me a spoon?" She asks,

"Oh thanks dear" She grabbed the spoon that was given too her, Jisoo walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couch watching TV with Mr.Park- It's been so long without Television.

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