The Worst Town Ever

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I screamed feeling hands grab my thighs from the back squeezing them tightly.

I turned around ready to hit someone but it was just a little kid who looked unbelievably scared. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." The boy cried out rubbing the tears off his face.

I knelt down and pat his head. "It's alright no harm done, I just thought you were someone else is all. Do you need something? You look a bit lost." My voice was calm and quite I honestly didn't mean to frighten him so badly.

"I can't find my mommy." He sniffed starting to calm down. "I was just with her but she suddenly disappeared."

I looked around myself. "Come to think of it my friends are gone too. How about I help you find your mom and you help me find my friends? That way neither of us have to be alone!" I smiled standing up.

"Sounds good!" He gave me a big smile as he grabbed me hand.

We walked around for a while and couldn't find anyone. It was as if the whole world disappeared and the kid and I were the last people left.

"I'm scared." The boy clutched onto my hand tighter. "Everyone's gone missing, now we're the only ones left for him to find and take away."

The boys words didn't make much sense to me, but if someone was looking for us I wasn't going to make it easy for them to find us. I used zetsu on myself and used no longer human on the kid to completely erase our presence.

"Don't worry I'll keep you safe, and we'll find your mom." I tried to reassure him but I was just as scared, whatever was going on it was powerful enough to make a whole town vanish, not to mention Hisoka and Illumi who are stronger then me.

"No, he's coming for us and you can't stop him!" I had to quickly cover his mouth, if he hears us there is no point in using zestu or my ability.

"Calm down kid or he'll hear us." I shushed him and slowly removed my hand from over his mouth. "Who is he?"

"The boogeyman." The kid answered. "He makes people go bye bye."

"That's a stupid name." I giggled picking the kid up and continuing walking. "Don't worry about anything alright? I'll take care of you."

I figured it was a man who earned a nickname based of his abilities not an actual boogeyman. That was the most logical explanation for everything, if it's his ability then I can stop him and rescue the town and the boys.

Suddenly a huge amount of aura came at me, I was barely able to use full counter before it hit us. It was a bad move but the only option, now the enemy knows I can deflect nen.

"Impressive." A deep husky voice sounded in my ears as a cloaked man came out of the shadows. "Next time I won't miss."

It was sunset by now and the golden hour was upon us. It was as if he truly came from the shadows it was no less then horrifying.

"Let everyone go." I set the kid in my arms down and he hid behind me. "Or at least my friends, we have done nothing wrong."

"I can't do that dearie." His voice sounded like it had a filter on it making it deeper and staticky.

"Give then back!" I screamed at him tears in my eyes. "Give my friends back to me!"

"I won't, but your more then welcome to join them!" The shadows around him seemed to stretch out towards me. I jumped back not letting them touch me.

"Give. Them. Back." I hissed taking slow steps towards him. I was angry, my vision blurring. "I don't want to kill you."

"Come at me bitch." He flung his arms out as if welcoming me to attack him. "What's the little girl going to do? What can she do when she's so weak? You won't be able to get your friends back if you can't kill me."

"I know that! I'm aware of my inferiorities, but even still I have to do this! I need them! I have no purpose without them." I didn't know what to do. I knew I couldn't beat him unless I let go of myself, my humanity. I didn't want to kill him, but if I had no other choice I would.

"With every second that passes your chances of winning decreases." His voice was mocking, he held no sympathy for my situation.

"Please! I'm begging you! Don't make me kill you!" I cried out wanting a peaceful ending.

"I'm not making you do anything." His shadows approached again. I easily dodged them.

"Very well, you give me no other choice. I gave you plenty of opportunities to change your mind, now the consequences you cannot avoid." His shadows came again, this time I let them hit me. "You're no longer human."

His shadows vanished. "W-What did you do?!" He screamed at me confusion laced his voice. "That's impossible! Oh well it doesn't really matter you weren't able to bring anyone back."

The voices of people began to be heard but no one was seen. They were somewhere stuck in between where he put them and back here.

"Such a good girl~" Hisoka's voice rang in my ears and I could feel his presence and aura surrounding me but he wasn't there.

"What do I do now Hisoka? Your not back." I asked the air. I felt useless, I wasn't able to bring them back fully.

"You know what you have to do." Illumi's voice came from my side.

"I know, I just really don't want to." I felt defeated. I took a deep breath and approached the now nenless boogeyman. "Let the consequences follow."

I closed my eyes and killed him. It felt awful but was the only way. Tears streamed down my face I couldn't believe my actions.

"It's ok~" Hisoka placed his hand on my shoulder and I threw myself into his arms embracing him and burying my face into his chest.

"I hate this stupid town." Hisoka chuckled at my words wrapping his arms around me.

"Then let's go. We were only stopped here resting so we could continue our journey to the capital." Illumi stated.

"Sounds great!" I unlatched myself from Hisoka's arms and started walking away.

"Hey! Wait!" The kid ran into me grabbing my leg. "Thank you for saving everyone!" He smiled looking up at me.

"Were you able to find your mom?" I bent down so we were eye level.

"Yep! She's right over there!" The boy pointed to a beautiful woman smiling at us. "She's mute but she's very thankful that you helped me!"

"Your welcome!" I hugged the kid. "Stay safe and out of trouble ok?" I stood back up. "This is goodbye kid, I'll probably never see you again."

I started walking away again this time with Hisoka and Illumi. "Let's blow this popsicle stand!"

Word count 1190

Sorry this took so long, I've been really busy this week with school and yesterday I put out a fire that my grandma started in her kitchen.

Also sorry it's kind of a random filler chapter. It's just to show how far y/n would go for the boys

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