Chapter Twenty Two

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RING!! RING!! Chat Noir's alarm went off, "Good morning, Princess!" Adrien said as he woke up. He tried to get up, but a pair of arms were pinning him to the bed.

"No! I don't want to get up!" Marinette mumbled, still half asleep and hugging Chat like he was her teddy bear.

Adrien laughed, "Princess, I'm gonna need you to let go of me now."

"No!" Marinette said, hugging him tighter, "Don't go!"

'She's so adorable when she's half asleep,' Adrien thought, "M-Marinette!" He said as he struggled to breath, that girl was strong! "I would love to be your teddy bear, b-but I kinda need to breathe!"

She just hugged him tighter, "Just five more minutes..." She went back to sleep.

Adrien rolled his eyes, "C'mon Mari! Wake up!"

She just mumbled something indecipherable.

Chat grinned, "I know what will wake you up..." He lifted his head and kissed her. Remembering how he got her up last time, he wrapped his arm around her waist, making her jerk back and tumble out of bed, Chat on top of her.

"Chat!" She said, finally awake, "What was that for!"

Chat shrugged, "It was the only way you would get up."

Marinette smiled, "This is actually something worth waking up for." She grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.

Adrien melted into the kiss, pushing his body down on hers. He put a hand to her cheek and caressed it softly while the other hand was still on her back. He felt her hand run through his hair while her other hand grasped his neck for support. They finally had to break away for air, "If this is how I get to wake you up, I'll be there every day." He panted.

Marinette laughed, "Then I would actually wake up earlier!" Marinette said. She got up and got back into bed, "But it's Saturday Chat, let me sleep in." She hid herself under the sheet.

Chat smiled, she was so cute. But if she wanted more time with him, she'd have to make certain sacrifices, "Sorry Princess, but if you want me to stay, you're gonna have to get up."

"No!" She giggled.

"Then you have left me no other choice," He said as he jumped into the bed, beside her. He caught her under the covers, "Gotcha!" He said as he strangled her in another hug.

She yelped, "Cat! Let me go!"

Adrien smirked, "No, you didn't let me go until I kissed you. I'm waiting for you to return the favor."

Marinette smiled, "I don't mind this favor..." She kissed him again. They were so busy with each other that they didn't even notice the cover being thrown off of them.


"Honey, let's go wake up Marinette now. We have the biggest order of macaroons of the week!" Sabine said to her husband.

"Yeah, we need her to help us with the baking." Tom agreed as they walked upstairs to Marinette's room. They heard a faint sound of giggling and sheets rustling, "Do you hear that?" Tom asked as he opened the trapdoor to Marinette's room. He listened closer, "It's coming from Marinette's bed."

"Marinette! Time to wake up sweetheart!" Her mom said as she lifted the covers of her daughter's bed to reveal Marinette in her pajamas, making out with a shirtless boy with a mask on.

Marinette shivered, "Is it just me, or did it suddenly get cold in here?"

"Don't worry," The boy said, wrapping his arms around her, "I'll keep you warm Princess..." He lifted his head to kiss her again, when he realized that they weren't the only ones in the room, "Oh, h-hi Mr and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. How are you doing on this l-lovely morning?" He rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

"Mama?! Papa?!" Marinette exclaimed as she blushed furiously. She got off of Chat and sat up straight, "Um..." She said, trying to explain their current predicament.

"Marinette, why is that boy in your bed? And why is he shirtless?" Tom asked, going all 'protective father' on them.

Chat blushed, "I'm sorry, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to sleep over at my girlfriend's house." Chat said, he winked at Marinette.

"Girlfriend?" Marinette's mom asked, "Marinette, since when did you have a boyfriend?"

"Oh, uhm..." Marinette stammered, face bright red.

"About six months ago." Chat lied smoothly.

Marinette shot a glare at him, she would deal with him later, "Yeah, we decided not to tell anyone because we feared they would react badly."

Tom still glared at Adrien, "And you? Who are you and why are you wearing a mask?"

"Uhm..." Now he was stumped!

"He wears it to help him sleep," Marinette said, she shot a look at Chat saying, 'go with it.'

"Oh yeah, I can't sleep without it!" He said, unconvincingly, "It's sort of like my teddy bear and if I don't sleep with it I go crazy and-" Marinette looked at him sharply to stop his rambling.

Tom looked at his daughter's boyfriend, "Next time you decide to sleep over, boy, make sure you two sleep in separate beds."

"Y-yes sir." Chat said nervously, "I'm leaving now." He winked at Marinette, then whispered in her ear, "Once they're gone, call me up to the balcony"

"Uh huh." She agreed, "Bye Cha- Chad!" She covered up as he left the room, 'Really Marinette? Chad? Sure, that's his new name now.'

Marinette's mom cleared her throat, "Marinette, we will talk later. Right now, can you get dressed?"

"Y-yes Mama." She said as they walked back downstairs, "Come up Chat!" She whisper-shouted. Chat Noir must have transformed while coming up because he was in his normal, black leather suit again. He used his baton to shoot up to her balcony. She flopped on her bed in relief, "I can't believe that just happened."

Chat laughed, "Yeah, I never thought I'd see the day I would get caught making out with my girlfriend by her parents!" He said, cautiously using the 'g' word.

'Girlfriend?' She thought, 'Yeah, I do like the sound of that.' She then remembered what he had said, "Six months Chat? Really? I can't wait to hear what stories I come up with for that!" She glared at him, "How am I supposed to explain that my boyfriend is really Chat Noir?!" She buried her face in her hands, "Ugh. I wish I could go anywhere but here!"

Chat held out a hand to his girlfriend, "Then shall we?" Chat asked, she took it and he leaped them to the top of the Eiffel Tower, "This is one of my favorite spots to view Paris from," He explained to her, "The sun should rise any minute now."

Marinette looked up at the sky, it was still dark! She glared at her boyfriend, "You woke me up before the sunrise? Thanks." She said sarcastically.

"Look now and you will really thank me." Chat pointed her chin upwards to look at the sunrise.

Marinette gazed in awe at the sunrise, then she turned to face Chat Noir, "I'm not going to thank you for waking me up so early on a Saturday morning, but it really is beautiful. Thank you Chaton." She pulled him in for a gentle kiss.

CLICK!! Alya's phone caught the two teenagers kissing at the top of the Eiffel Tower, she gasped when she saw that they were Marinette and Chat Noir, "That girl has a lot of explaining to do."










HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can just imagine Marinette's reaction to her parents catching her with Chat Noir 😳. So now they're dating, how will their alter egos act around them? 😏 Also, how is Alya going to act now that her best friend is dating Chat Noir?

Also, I know the picture isn't perfect but 🤷 *Shrugs*

- Midnight 🐞❤️🐱

POUND IT! (On hiatus until my brain cooperates with me...)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat